Vikings enjoy strong District 32-5A start

By EDWARD SEVERN, Staff Writer

BROWNSVILLE — It is no surprise that the Pace Vikings are 24-4, with a 5-0 start in District 32-5A.

Once observers look slightly deeper, they will understand why.

Pace picked up its fifth win in district Friday night, 54-40 over Weslaco East.

Coach Jose Ramirez said this Vikings team is one of the hardest-working teams that the veteran coach has had. The Vikings back up that claim on and off the court.

Captain Cristian Guajardo, like some of his teammates, has been a part of the varsity program for his four years at Pace. Not only has Guajardo maintained a high level of skill on the court, but academically he is currently in pole position for valedictorian.

“The coaches preach the down-20 mentality. It means you are always on the gas pedal, you are giving 100 percent,” Guajardo said. “I feel like that can be transferred to other activities, like school. Their mentality instills a lot of passion and drive.”

‘Down 20’ is proudly worn on the back of the Vikings’ game-day jerseys and on other gear.

“It is a mentality that, we have said, when you are down 20 you play with more urgency,” Ramirez said. “Everything is more intense. The team that is down always plays harder.”

Ramirez had a team a few years back that found itself down by more than 20 on a couple of occasions and fought back in games.

“I said to them kiddingly, ‘Why do you wait until you get down by 20 to start playing? In your head you should be down 20 before the game even starts,’” Ramirez said. “Went out, got some shirts, it said ‘Down 20’ on them. We are down 20 now, and the kids bought into it.”

Alex Agado and Elias Fortaneli are two other players who have been in the program all four years. Since it is their senior year and they have accomplished a lot, they have lofty, but realistic, aspirations.

“So far the season has gone pretty good, a lot of room for improvement,” Agado said. “We definitely want to go out with a bang. Undefeated district champs, and try and go at least four or five rounds deep, that is our goal.”

Said Fortaneli, “We want to go as far as we can in the playoffs this year. Last year, we came up short in the second round. We feel like this is the best team we have ever had and we want to go far, at least the fourth round.”

Dax Delgado and Benny Villarreal round out one of the best starting lineups in the Rio Grande Valley. Delgado is a really good winger who can shoot and slash. Villarreal is as good as any post in the area and moves very well for a big.

Their starting five players are all seniors and have experience with each other beyond the high school scene.

“We have a good bond, good chemistry,” Fortaneli said. “I feel like we put in a lot of work, we get here early to shoot. Everybody here is willing to do anything for anyone. We all put in work. We trust each other.”

Off the bench, Ramiro Munoz, Ricky Tijerina, Tyler Rudder, Alexis Ramirez and Chase Morales probably could make their own team and compete for a playoff spot, as Ramirez and assistant coach Roberto Ramirez operate one of the best high school boys basketball programs in the Valley.

On Tuesday night, the Vikings are scheduled to play host to the Mercedes Tigers.