Sweet success has Harlingen High’s Greer up for Girls Golfer of the Year Award

DAVE FAVILA | Staff Writer

This past year proved to be a sensational one for Harlingen High golfer Hannah Greer.

At the District 32-6A tournament in April, Greer battled her way to a second-place finish to earn a trip to the Region IV-6A tournament in San Antonio.

At regionals, she held off the competition to earn a third-place finish and qualify for the UIL state tournament for the second consecutive year.

And at state, Greer battled a tough Legacy Hills Golf Course in Georgetown to shoot a respectable 158.

For her efforts, Greer is a finalist for Girls Golf Player of the Year at the All-Valley Sports Awards Banquet, which will be held on June 14 in McAllen.

Greer sat down with the Valley Morning Star to talk about her nomination along with a few personal tidbits.

Q: How does it feel to be nominated for this award?

A: It is an absolute privilege to be nominated! I was so excited when I heard I was one of the nominees. There are many great female golfers and it’s an honor to be up there with them.

Q: What would it mean to win this award?

A: Once again, it would be a privilege. I would be overjoyed to win this award! Golf has been a huge part of my life for as long as I can remember, and I have worked very hard at it.

Q: How would you sum up your high school experience on and off the golf course?

A: My high school golf experience has been unforgettable and something I will cherish for the rest of my life. From moving from Boerne back to Harlingen, I have had such amazing coaches, teammates, and opponents. They have made my experience amazing as well. Overall, these past four years have been nothing short of amazing and filled with many lessons, and memories that will last a lifetime.

Q: What is your favorite memory of playing golf at Harlingen High?

A: There are so many, this is tough to answer. One that really stands out is when my teammate Samantha Mendiola and assistant coach Salinas found and kept a lizard at regionals (during my) junior year. We were in San Antonio and they kept it the whole time. The lizard is now living in Coach (Chris) Milligan’s classroom! I have been so blessed to be able to be on the same team as these wonderful people. They kept every tournament so much fun and never failed to give me so much support.

Q: Who is your favorite pro athlete and why?

A: Lexi Thompson is one of my favorite pro athletes. She started playing on the LPGA at a really young age and she has done really well since. Her career has been really motivating for me.

Q: Who are your heroes in life and why?

A: Of course, my parents. They have given me so much opportunity, support, and have been very involved in my golf career. I can only hope to be as great of parents as them one day.

Q: Do you see yourself playing golf competitively again?

A: Possibly. I may try and walk on at Texas A&M, but for now I am going to play for fun and focus on my grades in college.

Q: Are there any sports you wish you could’ve played other than golf?

A: No, not really. I played other sports for fun, but am glad I stuck with golf because it is something I can play for the rest of my life.

Q: If you could play a round of golf with anyone, who would that person be?

A: If I could pick anyone to play a round with, I would choose Annika Sorenstam. Along with Lexi Thompson, she is a golfer I have always looked up to. She is one of the most grounded female golfers and knows her golf game inside and out. She has always been an inspiration.

Q: What served as your motivation to succeed on the golf course?

A: Of course winning and doing my best was one of the biggest motivators on the golf course. However, I had many friends, family members and coaches motivating me as well. Golf is a very rewarding sport; it takes a lot of practice. Whenever I made a good shot, made a birdie, overcame a tough hole or shot a low round, I was motivated to keep playing and improving.

Q: If you could start your high school golf career all over again, would you do anything differently?

A: If there was one thing I could’ve changed, it would’ve been my mental game. Golf is 90 percent mental and 10 percent physical, so I wish I could’ve improved my mindset earlier on in my high school career. However, I really enjoyed high school golf and all the memories I made along the way.