Spartans Boxing Academy fighters set to compete at international event


HARLINGEN — For the second consecutive year the Spartans Boxing Academy is heading back to the annual Ringside World Championships held in Independence, Missouri.

About 1,500 fighters from more than 25 countries will compete in 1,000 bouts across six rings in the four-day tournament that runs from Aug. 5-8.

Last year Abel Fonseca II and his team opened the nation’s eyes to the wealth of talent in the region after one of his fighters reached the finals and another reached the semifinals on the team’s first visit.

“When we first got there (Missouri) we went straight to the facility,” said Fonseca. “When we first walked in they were setting up the rings and they allowed us to go in. It felt like we were watching something that was on TV, we just couldn’t believe that we were actually there.

“A lot of these kids had never left the Rio Grande Valley. When we passed by Houston they were in awe of the tall buildings. I was happy to be able to show them this and it just so happens that the sport of boxing is helping the kids get out of the Valley.”

This year Fonseca will take a total of five fighters to the tournament, three that were part of last year’s group (Mac McFarland, Ron Pierce, Santana Sanchez) and two fresh faces (Eduardo Sanchez, Vicente Saldivar).

Among the returning vets is 28-year-old Mac McFarland, who made the finals in the 178-201-pound weight class novice division. After competing in three bouts in three days, McFarland fell a bit short on the final day of competition.

“It was a lot of fun,” said McFarland. “It was different seeing so many people there watching and hearing the crowd, it was a big difference. Last year I didn’t have a lot of guys my weight to spar with and this year I’ve received a lot of help.”

“Winning wasn’t a surprise, we knew he would make the finals, losing was the surprise,” said Fonseca. “When he (McFarland) lost that’s when I was surprised. I learned as a coach and he learned as a fighter that your mental status will take you away from the fight.

“If you don’t believe in yourself all the way through you will lose and that was the difference.”

Another returning fighter is 14-year-old Santana Sanchez. Last year he navigated his way into the semifinals before bowing out. This year he will compete in the 13-14 age division.

“I think last year I did all right, but this year will be a huge difference,” said Sanchez. “I was nervous last time, but this time is different.”

The difference Sanchez speaks of is the type of training the team has received over the course of the year.

Spartans Boxing Academy has seen its share of professional talent walk through its doors.

“We’ve been blessed to have Rafael Murphy come in and help our fighters out,” said Fonseca. “Ralf’s a pro and he’s a bad boy. He can come in here and knock my fighters out in one round if he wants, but he doesn’t. Robert “Amenaza” Garcia comes in and spars with all my guys, too.

“When they get in the ring I tell my guys that they are in the ring with a guy like Rafael Murphy, have they trained with a fighter like Robert “Amenaza” Garcia, who’s one of the best fighters in the world right now. We’re blessed to have these professional fighters come in.”

Another interesting Harlingen prospect making the long journey to Missouri will be 17 year-old Cassie Garza who has been boxing for the past three years. Garza, who had been in karate since she was 5 years old, decided to try her hand at boxing and immediately loved it.

“I’ve always been a fighter,” said Garza. “I don’t see myself doing anything else, I just like the sport. I see it as a profession.”

The team has been fundraising for the last couple of weeks to help with the costs of the trip and have setup a GoFundMe account.

A meet and greet has also been scheduled for this Saturday and Sunday from 11:30 a.m. to 8 p.m. at the Soccer House in Valley Vista Mall where they will have a variety of snacks for sale. Customers will have a chance to meet the fighters and coaches before they head out to the tournament on Aug 2.