Senior guard Escamilla anchoring Big Reds offense

KEVIN NARRO | Staff Writer

HARLINGEN—The Harlingen Cardinals are one of the Rio Grande Valley’s hottest teams entering Week 8 of the season. Harlingen is fresh off a win against San Benito and will host Hanna on Friday night.

While the offense is clicking on all cylinders with senior quarterback Jaime Galvan and running back Rayden Berry, the offensive line has helped pave the way for Big Red’s offense, which is averaging 30 points per game through six outings this season.

Harlingen’s starting five are left tackle Hayden Mann, center Derek Aguilar, right guard Ruben Almendariz and right tackle Issac Martinez. Senior left guard Fernie Escamilla is a three-year letterman and has been a key for the Cards’ offensive line this season.

“Right now, we are 5-1, and we are excited,” Escamilla said. “I come to practice and we are all feeling good. I feel like I’m scoring that long touchdown when I see my guys score but it doesn’t bother to me at all. So long as they are scoring, I’m happy. After a score, they come straight to the bench and thank us and I feel like we are all celebrating together — it doesn’t matter who scores.”

Escamilla is one of three seniors along the offensive line and is described as a tour guide by Cardinals head coach and has had a big brother effect amongst his teammates.

“Fernie has been around the block and he knows the expectation,” Gomez said. “He has that big brother effect on his little brothers. Eventually, he will pass the torch to the little brothers and eventually, they will pass the torch and carry the family tradition and that is to play physical, smart and be aggressive.”

Escamilla, who was a second-team all-district guard last year in 32-6A as a junior, was unsure of his football future when he got to high school.

“I never thought of playing varsity ball,” Escamilla said. “I went to and played for Memorial Junior High, but after that, I wasn’t sure about playing in high school. I just wasn’t sure, but after a while, I liked the coaches here and they made me want to come out and play.”

Escamilla also endured a position change early in his career. He began at left tackle and played defensive tackle during his freshman year before making the switch to left guard.

“When I was on the offensive line, I was on the left side at tackle and guard, so I didn’t feel a difference,” Escamilla said. “But playing tackle, there is a lot more speed and at guard, there is a lot more action. I like being in the commotion; you can throw hits.”

Escamilla, who describes himself as a strong-minded individual, has bought into the team motto ‘IIWII’ (It is what it is). Escamilla sees it as a way to go about football and in everyday life.

“It honestly sticks out to me and I feel it makes me strong,” Escamilla said. “It is what it is goes through everything, when you are on your last rep — it is what it is. It is just a mindset and we have to go through it.”

Escamilla and company will square off against Brownsville Hanna Friday night at home in the Valley Morning Star’s Game of the Week. Kickoff is set for 7:30 p.m.