San Benito quintet seeks redemption at UIL state tournament


SAN BENITO — It’s hard to forget something that hurts, but it’s even harder to block out the past.

Three years ago the Lady Greyhounds embarked on an unprecedented postseason run that saw them go beyond any place any Rio Grande Valley high school softball team had ever gone before.

What began with 64 teams chasing one dream, was finally down to four and the Lady ’Hounds had been drawn together with Lewisville in the 2013 state semifinals.

Unfortunately, things didn’t work out for the Lady ’Hounds as they fell to Lewisville 5-2. Lewisville, meanwhile, went on to win the state title.

History tells the tales of the past, but it can also offer a glimpse of the future. But nobody could have predicted that three years later San Benito would once again draw that same opponent on the very same field.

For five Lady Greyhounds the past has come full circle, but they are hoping history doesn’t repeat itself.

Junior catcher Kimberly Harper remembers that day in 2013 and believes that fate has brought the two teams together once again.

“It was meant for us to seek payback,” said Harper. “What are the odds? They didn’t make it (to the playoffs) last year, we didn’t make it last year and now we end up meeting again. It was meant for us to get payback.”

Senior shortstop Jav’anna Gonzalez agreed that it’s time for some redemption.

“It’s time for some payback because this is our year,” she said.

For seniors like Gonzalez, graduation has to take a back seat. But Gonzalez doesn’t mind at all.

“Everybody experiences the walking (graduation ceremony), but not everybody experiences being at state. It’s one in a million experience and we’re part of it,” she said.

San Benito head coach Elias Martinez said he feels this time there might be a different end result.

“These girls are excited and motivated because the outcome of the last game,” he said. “Being there for the second time, they are now going to be more relaxed because they know what to expect as far as the environment.

“The first time we went we played well and everything, but you are still in awe of the environment and playing on the UT field. Now they’re more relaxed and they know what to expect, and I think that’s going to make a big difference.”

That same feeling will be there to greet the Lady Greyhounds again this Friday, however maybe this time the Lady ’Hounds will get that Hollywood ending they have fought so hard to achieve.

The game is scheduled to begin at 6 p.m. at the Red & Charline McCombs Field at the University of Texas at Austin.