Salas leading the way for La Feria

FREDDY GONZALEZ | Valley Morning Star

One player that has consistently been a part of the Lionettes volleyball team for the past three seasons has been senior Myah Salas.

Last season, as a junior, Salas earned a spot on the 32-4A All-District first team and a sophomore she was named to the second team All-District volleyball list. This season La Feria head coach Reba Fraga expects nothing less from her star player.

“She’s an overall athlete that does not specialize in just one sport and she been able to help out in volleyball, softball and basketball,” said Fraga. “She has a very calm demeanor and I think it makes it hard for other teams to read her.

“She’s the type of person that leads by example.”

The Valley Morning Star had a chance to catch up with Salas and get to know the senior a bit more.

Q: You play a number of sports. How did you first get interested in playing volleyball?

Myah: When I was young my mom was coaching volleyball so I would hang out in the gym and shag balls and at times I would try doing some of her drills. In the 5th grade I played on a co-ed team and that same year I was asked to try out for a club volleyball team, so we did and I made the team.

Q: Who has had the biggest impact on your athletic career?

Myah: My parents have been the biggest impact in my athletic career because they have invested so much time and money. They keep me busy and help me stay focused and positive on my goal expectations.

Q: The team is 11-0 this season. Where has the team drawn its inspiration from?

Myah: Being district champs last year and wanting to keep the trophy here and not let anyone take it away. Plus team unity has been special on our team.

Q: What advice do you have to share with younger athletes that aspire to play volleyball?

Myah: To always work hard and never give up.

Q: If you had a chance to play alongside any athlete who would it be?

Myah: Maya Moore of the Minnesota Lynx. She has been someone that I have looked up to since she played for UConn. I would learn so many things by playing alongside her.

Q: What kind of pregame ritual do you go through before a match? Any special routines or superstitions?

Myah: As a team we get together and say a little prayer and then we say our team and individual goals for the game.

Q: What are some of the goals the team has set for the season?

Myah: To be back-to-back district champs and try going as far as we can in playoffs.

Q: What’s the biggest obstacle you’ve had to overcome to get to where you’re at?

Myah: Being a coach’s kid where expectations are high and less than 100 percent effort is not acceptable. Also, trying to make good of negative criticism of being told that I was not as good an athlete as I thought I would be.