Right tackle Billman is the rock for Donna High’s offense


DONNA — Whereas most football aficionados would agree the left tackle is a quarterback’s best friend on the offensive line, that’s a foreign concept to Troy Billman.

All the 6-foot-4, 280-pound senior knows is his position is, arguably, the most prized for Donna High, no matter who’s lining up at quarterback, running back or fullback.

“It’s a big role,” Billman said. “Since middle school, I’ve always been the right tackle. So I’ve grown up in this. It’s just what we do — run off the right tackle.”

Power I formation to the right side. That’s Donna football, and that’s why the Redskins’ offense goes as Billman goes.

“Having a guy like Troy is a luxury,” senior quarterback Edward Dougherty said. “I feel protected in the pocket, even in tight space, because I know he can dominate anyone. He’s got good size and he’s quick.”

Billman, however, wasn’t always a brute, athletic force who caused opponents to reconsider their extracurricular activities. He had to work at it.

“His attitude towards the game has changed,” Dougherty said. “He’s really stepped up and made strides. He wants to be the best at what he does and he’s realized he needs to work like it. He’s put in the work and it shows.”

Billman started by hitting the weights. He also studied film and learned how to read defenses. It was a distinct change for Billman, who’d had no sense of urgency when he cracked the starting rotation as a sophomore.

“I’ll be honest,” Billman said. “My sophomore year, I was like, ‘Eh, I’ve got two more years.’ But I wish I would have slapped myself then. Those two years come really fast. That’s what I’m trying to teach the younger guys. Focus on now.

“Anything is possible, anything can happen. Worry about today.”

One thing Billman never had to work on, coaches and teammates attest, is his competitive energy. It surprises no one that Billman is a team captain.

It’s Billman who picks up everybody and makes sure practices go as they are supposed to.

“He’s a leader,” Donna coach Ramiro Leal said. “His leadership skills are as impressive as his physical ability. He’s made that offense his and he leads by example.”

Over the years, Billman has perfected the craft. A key to a good lineman is their stance and first step, and Billman started repping drills to perfect that the summer before his junior year when he visited combines and was told he had the potential to be a college football prospect.

Billman drilled and drilled and drilled, and then watched NFL linemen on teams that ran the ball a lot like Donna. He paid attention to how they operate.

Billman worked on having an unbalanced stance, putting more weight on his hand to come off the ball at the snap quicker, and other subtle yet integral nuances.

“Whatever step you want to take, your opposite foot that you’re pushing off from you put all your weight on,” Billman said. “I formed myself to where I could do that, and it wouldn’t point which way I’m going.”

Every game, Donna’s offensive line has four goals: 10 pancakes for each lineman, 400-plus total yards of offense, everyone plays, and win. Billman takes those goals to heart, and more often than not the Redskins’ line leaves each contest accomplished.

Donna High is 2-2, with losses to RGVSports.com Top 10 teams Brownsville Veterans Memorial and Weslaco High, and averages 34.8 points on 419 yards thanks to a boatload of athletic talent in the backfield in Dougherty and running backs Amonte Bowen and Paul Guerra.

Billman doesn’t like talking about individual goals. He prefers to keep his eyes on winning a district championship and going far in the playoffs.

But when prodded, he admitted he’s looking forward to life after Donna. UTSA and SMU have shown their interest in Billman protecting future quarterbacks. And Billman doesn’t care where he ends up as long as it takes care of his needs.

“My preference is wherever my school is free,” he said. “I’m not a picky guy. If I can get my college education free, that’s where I’m going.”

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