Raymondville getting back to work

By CLAIRE CRUZ, Staff Writer

LYFORD — It has been more than two months since any Rio Grande Valley high school sports programs have worked out in person, and the Raymondville Bearkats get to end that drought today.

Raymondville athletic director and football coach Frank Cantu said the Bearkats were eyeing a return to on-campus workouts Sept. 21 in accordance with Willacy County health orders, but they “were given clearance by the school to start” early.

The Bearkats football team will begin strength and conditioning workouts today, and the volleyball, cross country and team tennis programs can start practicing Monday.

“We’re not starting football the very first day for our young men. We will start off with strength and conditioning, and we will do that for the first five days, which is part of what UIL requires us to do, then we’ll start with football,” Cantu said. “That’ll be really good practice to implement all the protocols and all the procedures, with the face masks and the water bottles and things like that. Making sure everything slows down, we’re really spaced out and getting a feel for what we’re doing right and what we can do better.”

Raymondville released guidelines and requirements Wednesday that student-athletes and parents must follow to be eligible to participate. The guidelines are similar to those the UIL has had in place since summer strength and conditioning began in June.

Self-screening is required for athletes and staff, and “there will be a daily screening process including a screening questionnaire, temperature check and a hand sanitizing station” upon arrival. The school will provide athletes with gaiters and water bottles. Masks are required unless participants are actively exercising, and social distancing will be enforced — six feet of separation will be maintained during times of non-activity, and 10 feet when exercising. All surfaces and equipment will be thoroughly disinfected throughout the day and after use.

If a participant tests positive, they cannot return to the school until they meet a range of criteria, including but not limited to receiving clearance from a physician to return, having at least 10 days pass since symptoms first appeared and at least one day pass since recovery. The athletic staff will notify participants about possible exposure to the coronavirus, and “the campus athletic coordinator will oversee contact tracing.”

Cantu said he, his staff and his football players are ready to take on the “new normal,” and are excited to get the opportunity to work out as a team again. The Bearkats football team will be doing all workouts outside as they “catch up” and evaluate the team.

“I think everybody is ready to just come outside and try to get going,” Cantu said. “I’m sure everybody just can’t wait to try to get back to normal, or a new normal. We’re taking all the precautions that we can to ensure that we continue to do that. We’re excited, and our young men will come out (today) and we’ll get after it.”