Photo Gallery: Vipers’ comeback attempt falls just short

Rio Grande Valley Vipers’ Joshua Obiesie, left, vies for a rebound over Windy City Bulls Evan Gilyard, right, during an NBA G League basketball game Wednesday, March 6 2024 in Edinburg, Texas. Windy City Bulls 111-108. (Delcia Lopez| [email protected])
Rio Grande Valley Vipers’ Ray Spalding, right, shoots over Windy City Bulls’ Ben Coupet Jr., left, during an NBA G League basketball game Wednesday, March 6 2024 in Edinburg, Texas. (Delcia Lopez| [email protected])
Rio Grande Valley Vipers’ Nate Hinton attempts a shot over Windy City Bulls’ Andrew Funk, left, and Adama Sanogo, right, during an NBA G League basketball game Wednesday, March 06 2024 in Edinburg, Texas. (Delcia Lopez| [email protected])
Rio Grande Valley Vipers’ Darius Day, left, fights for position with Windy City Bulls’ Henri Dreli, right, during an NBA G League basketball game Wednesday, March 06 2024 in Edinburg, Texas. (Delcia Lopez| [email protected])
Rio Grande Valley Vipers’ Darius Day, right, shoots over Windy City Bulls’ Jalen Harris, left, during an NBA G League basketball game Wednesday, March 06 2024 in Edinburg, Texas. (Delcia Lopez| [email protected])
Rio Grande Valley Vipers’ Jalen Lecque, right, goes up against Windy City Bulls’ Lacey James, left, and Keifer Sykes, right, during an NBA G League basketball game Wednesday, March 06 2024 in Edinburg, Texas. (Delcia Lopez| [email protected])
Rio Grande Valley Vipers’ Jermaine Samuels Jr., right, goes up for a shot against Windy City Bulls’ Adama Sanogo, left, during an NBA G League basketball game Wednesday, March 06 2024 in Edinburg, Texas. (Delcia Lopez| [email protected])
Rio Grande Valley Vipers’ Nate Hinton, middle, runs into Windy City Bulls’ Evan Gilyard (1) during an NBA G League basketball game Wednesday, March 06 2024 in Edinburg, Texas. (Delcia Lopez| [email protected])
Rio Grande Valley Vipers’ Joshua Obiesie, top, snags a rebound away from Windy City Bulls’ Evan Gilyard (1), during an NBA G League basketball game Wednesday, March 06 2024 in Edinburg, Texas. (Delcia Lopez| [email protected])
Rio Grande Valley Vipers’ Shawn Occeus, right, vies for a rebound against Windy City Bulls’ Lacey James, left, during an NBA G League basketball game Wednesday, March 06 2024 in Edinburg, Texas. (Delcia Lopez| [email protected])
Windy City Bulls’ Adama Sanogo, left, and Andrew Funk try to control a rebound against Rio Grande Valley Vipers’ during an NBA G League basketball game Wednesday, March 6 2024 in Edinburg, Texas.(Delcia Lopez| [email protected])
Windy City Bulls’ Adama Sanogo, left, loses control of the ball slapped by Rio Grande Valley Vipers’ Ray Spalding, back, during an NBA G League basketball game Wednesday, March 6 2024 in Edinburg, Texas.(Delcia Lopez| [email protected])

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