Perseverance pays off for South’s Nicole Gonzalez

MARK MOLINA | Staff Writer

After years of dealing with injuries, Harlingen South sprinter Nicole Gonzalez used her senior campaign to finally show what she could do.

She definitely didn’t disappoint as she was arguably the best female sprinter in the Rio Grande Valley in 2016

Gonzalez spent the year atop the Valley’s Best rankings in the 100-, 200- and 400-meter dash.

Aside from finishing third in the Valley in the 400, her times in the 100 and 200 would not be matched and were both school records.

Gonzalez captured the District 32-6A championship in all three events as well as the 4×100-meter relay team.

Heading into Region IV-6A track meet, Gonzalez was the only athlete in the region who qualified in the 100, 200 and 400.

Unfortunately, another minor injury kept Gonzalez out of the regional meet.

Still, her 2016 campaign was one to remember and for that she is a finalist up for the Girls Track & Field Athlete of the Year award, which will be presented at the 2016 All-Valley Sports Award Banquet on June 14 in McAllen.

Q: How does it feel to be nominated for this award?

A: It is such a distinct honor to be a nominee for this award. It is a wonderful feeling to know that all of my hard work has paid off. I am incredibly blessed to have this opportunity among other amazing and talented Rio Grade Valley athletes, especially due to how this is such a competitive and prestigious award.

Q: If you won the award, what would that mean to you personally?

A: Personally, this award would mean the world to me and more. Throughout my life, I have had to face so many obstacles injury wise. First off, I would definitely have to thank God for blessing me with the success I was able to have all season. I would also owe a huge thanks to my family and supporters for always believing in me and encouraging me along the way. For someone like myself to win this award would be such a breakthrough and a truly heartwarming feeling knowing that everything I have worked for meant something in the end.

Q: After enduring so many ups and downs throughout your running career, what kept you going through it all?

A: I’ve been through many ups and downs in my life. The hardships that I have endured throughout my running career have been incredibly tough. I have to say the main thing that kept me going has been my faith. I know how it feels to be at the bottom and make your way back to the top in only a short amount of time. For my senior year, it was a matter of now or never. I dedicated myself to countless hours of training and constantly made myself busy with some type of workout to do. I’m just so thankful that I have had such a wonderful support system that has allowed me to keep a strong and positive mindset.

Q: How would you sum up your high school experience on and off the track?

A: My high school experience will definitely always be something to remember. Although there have been many bumps in the road along the way, I never once thought about giving up. My senior year would obviously have to be my favorite year since I was able to show the Valley a little something of what I am capable of. Off the track, I am just as determined when it comes to academics. I do the best I can as a student-athlete to always strive for success in all I do. The memories I’ve made throughout high school will always be cherished.

Q: What is your favorite memory running for Harlingen South?

A: Running for Harlingen South has been such a privilege. I was so blessed to be apart of such an outstanding track and field program. The best memory I have as a Harlingen South runner is most likely breaking the school records for the 400-meter dash and 200-meter dash. Being a school record holder is something that allows me to leave my name embedded in the history books for my high school. That in itself is such an honorable and rewarding feeling that I will never forget.

Q: Did you have any pre-race rituals or routines? If so, explain.

A: Yes, I did actually have a few routines when it came to the days of the meet. The day of competition, I would wake up ready and try to keep my day the same as possible each time. It was the small things like always making sure to eat the same lunch, hydrate the same amount of fluids and listen to my beats so that my music could work as a relaxation in order to prepare myself for the day. Once I reached the meet site, I would visualize each race that would take place that day. However, the one ritual I could not do without would definitely have to be saying a silent prayer right before each race. This was the sole reason for keeping me focused and ready for any competition coming my way.

Q: You used to play multiple sports in middle school before focusing solely on track. Which one of those do you miss playing the most.

A: I grew up playing soccer, basketball and running track. I enjoyed each of those sports equally and always felt like I was able to excel in them. However, if I could be able to go back and play one other sport, I would have to choose soccer, which was originally my best sport. Ever since I was a little girl, my dad had a huge impact on me when it came to athletics. He was able to train me up in the sport that consisted of multiple training hours, which was enjoyable since we both shared the same passion for the sport. Now solely focusing on track, I realize how very fortunate I am for still being capable of competing in a sport I love to do. Running is my true passion and I honestly don’t know what I’d without the sport.

Q: Who is your favorite pro athlete and why?

A: My favorite pro athlete would have to be the famous pro surfer Bethany Hamilton mainly for one specific reason. Throughout the heartbreaking struggle she had to encounter, she never once lost her faith and let nothing stand in her way of pursuing her dream. I admire her for her aspiration and never losing her drive to succeed. As a professional athlete still today, I find her incredibly motivational for an athlete like myself.

Q: Who are the heroes in your life and why?

A: If I had to choose heroes in my life, I would undoubtedly have to choose my parents. Without them, I would not be where I am today. It is amazing to know that I have had the most motivational and inspiring people right by my side. When it came to my surgeries, they were always there. When it came to attending mandatory training sessions, they were always there. Through the good times and the bad times, they were always there no mater what to keep me sane and always pushed me to achieve my goals. They never allowed me to give up on my dream and for that, I could not thank them enough.

Q: After track and field, what do you want to do with the rest of your life?

A: Track and field is something that I will always hold to heart. As high school is coming to an end, I’m prepared to attend the University of Texas A&M-Kingsville for both academics and track and field. It has always been a dream of mine to compete at the next level so I am extremely blessed and grateful for receiving this opportunity. As a student, I plan to pursue a degree in the physical therapy profession. I am beyond excited and ready to start a new chapter in my life and can only hope for the best.