No penalties for Chargers player


While the details of the District 32-6A executive meeting aren’t known, the outcome resulted in no penalties for any of the alleged infractions for the Brownsville Veterans Memorial baseball team or the player who was the subject of the discussion, a school official present at the meeting said Friday.

David Cantu, the athletic coordinator and football coach at Brownsville Veterans, issued a statement via text message.

“Our DEC committee had questions that were clarified through discussion,” he said in the message. “We look forward to our baseball game tonight and with moving on with the season.”

BISD athletic director Mark Guess echoed Cantu’s comments via a text message late Friday.

The Chargers baseball team played host to Los Fresnos on Friday. No Brownsville Veterans player was absent or omitted from the lineup card compared to past games.

District 32-6A executive chairman, Los Fresnos principal Ronnie Rodriguez could be reached via phone for comment.