New Name: Historic course rebrands, will host amateur tourney

McALLEN — For more than 52 years, McAllen’s premier golf course operated under the name Palm View Golf Course. The McAllen City Commission voted 5-1 to rename the course Oct. 25, 2021.

In celebration of the upcoming 20th Texas Regional Bank McAllen Amateur Golf Championship, the course officially unveiled its new name during a news conference Wednesday, dubbing it McAllen’s Champion Lakes Golf Course.

“We like the new name. A lot of times we must modernize,” McAllen mayor Javier Villalobos said. “Initially, one of the issues we had, we had a lot of people getting confused by the name. People that played knew where it was, but there was still some confusion. At the very end, we feel we have the best golf course around and we wanted to give it a name that was reflective of the golf course itself.”

The name change comes after confusion in recent years as to the venue’s location, with some visitors mistaking it for a golf course in the city of Palmview just miles away.

When deciding on the new name, Champion Lakes Director of Golf Carlos Espinosa wanted a name which represented the type of athlete it takes to step onto the golf course.

“A lot of people think the name ‘Champion’ is after the champions we crown, but I know how hard this game is,” Espinosa said. “As a golfer, when you go out and compete, even if it’s with your friends on a Saturday morning round, you go and there is doubt and fear. It takes that special courage, I think, and a certain spirit and love for the challenges the sport gives to be a golfer. Just those facts alone, in my opinion, is what makes every golfer a champion. … From now on, we don’t have customers or patrons. We have champions.”

McAllen’s Champion Lakes is set to host the Texas Regional Bank McAllen Amateur Golf Championship under its new name for the first time this weekend, marking the 20th time overall since 2002 the venue has played host to the tournament.

This year’s pool, the largest in tournament history, features seven former McAllen Amateur champions. The group is highlighted by reigning back-to-back champion Luke Antonelli. The San Antonio native will look to become the tournament’s second three-time champion, with Ron Kilby winning the event in 2003, 2005 and 2007. Miguel Del Angel Jr. is the event’s only four-time champion, winning in 2008, 2010, 2013 and 2016.

“There are some people that are starving for this type of setting and competition we provide,” Espinosa said. “Who wants to travel four or five hours to compete in any amateur golf tournament? These guys do it because of everything we do to make this tournament special. It’s all for them. It’s not a fundraiser or to benefit anything or anyone. It’s strictly for the player. For our champions.”

The 20th Texas Regional Bank McAllen Amateur Golf Championship begins Friday with practice rounds available to its competitors beginning at 7:15 a.m.

Actual tournament play begins at 7:35 a.m. Saturday with the first round of action. Second- and finalround play is set to begin at 7:35 a.m. Sunday.

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