Mireles eager to lead Harlingen South to the postseason


Staff Writer

HARLINGEN — The 2018 season has reached the midway point and Harlingen South is still in the playoff picture, and it has time to right the ship and peak heading into the second half of District 32-6A play.

One key part will be junior hitter Mikela Mireles. The junior has had a strong season thus far. The Valley Morning Star had a chance to catch up with Mireles.

Q: We are through the first round of district play, what are some things you all will work on?

Mikela: We will work on finishing games, we have come close a few times, and we will work on our first-ball kill, that will be an important thing we will work on going forward.

Q: Last year your season ended with an ACL injury, this year you are healthy. How has it been for you being fully healthy and back on the court?

Mikela: It is an amazing feeling to know where I came from after tearing my ACL. I wasn’t expecting to be at the point where I am at today.

Q: Talk to us about that comeback against Harlingen High.

Mikela: Coach Lucio wanted us to stay calm and to keep the ball in play. As soon as I got the final kill I started crying, all the emotions just came to me.

Q: What has been the loudest gym you have played in?

Mikela: It has to be the Harlingen game, we were at home and it was loud.

Q: What is the trill of jumping at the net and recording a kill?

Mikela: It is amazing to know I’m able to jump and make a kill against another team.

Q: If you could pick another sport to play, what would it be?

Mikela: I have never thought of that before, but it would probably have to be basketball because I enjoy watching it. I played it for one year, but I also like the competition that is in the game.

Q: What drives you to be a great player?

Mikela: Just knowing that everyone supports me and, no matter what, I have people that are there for me.

Q: Who do you look up to the most?

Mikela: My mom, because she is my role model.

Q: Who is your favorite athlete?

Mikela: It would have to be UT’s Micaya White. She started as a freshman and has been a really good player for the Longhorns.

Q: What are you currently binge watching on Netflix?

Mikela: I watch One Tree Hill, but I watch it on Hulu because they took it off of Netflix, but that is what I’m currently binge watching.