Lions playing for elusive district crown

Staff Writer

LA FERIA —When the La Feria Lions meet up against the Zapata Hawks, tonight at 7:30 at Lions Stadium, nobody needs to be reminded about what’s at stake.
For more than 15 years, La Feria has had a district title drought.
The Lions have shared titles with other teams in the past.
However, for the past 16 years, La Feria has not garnered an outright district title to call their own.
This week, the message in the locker room was loud and clear — bring the title home. Or as receiver Isaiah Martinez put it “let’s just go out there and do what we do.”
“Last year we had a chance to win the district, just like we do this year, but we lost and not winning that district title hurt us,” said quarterback Isaac Galpin. “From then, on we’ve been working really hard to win this year, and we’ve gotten to where we are today because of that.
“But its not just about the district title, we’re also trying to go far in the playoffs.”
However, in order to stake their claim to the title, they have to get past Zapata, something the Lions know won’t be an easy task.
“Zapata has always been tough and they’ve had our number,” said La Feria head coach Oscar Salinas. “Since I’ve been here, I don’t think we have beaten them, we’ve been 0-3 against them.
“We are in a great situation right now because we have already made the playoffs and that was the number one goal. The pressure is off of us, now we just have to go out there and play.”
This season, the Hawks have the top offense in the district, amassing a total of 2,533 yards, making them a dangerous opponent.
On the ground, running back Orlando Villarreal and Carlos Gutierrez have been getting the job done for the Hawks. Combined, the two have rushed for 1,270 yards this season.
However, those are statistics the Lions are well aware of.
If coach Salinas had to pin point one aspect that has had the greatest impact, it would easily be the health of the team.
At a time when most teams struggle with depth issues, the Lions have actually added names to the roster.
But not just any names. Star power names like running back Russ Gonzalez and linebacker Randy Cantu.
After struggling with lingering early season injuries both are back and have had an immense affect on the team.
On the defensive side no other name is more synonymous with tackles than last year’s All-District linebacker Cantu.
“Randy really hadn’t play prior to when the district schedule began. He played a little bit in a few games, but now he’s back healthy and he’s been a big asset. He ia a three-year starter and to have him back in the middle is great.”
His teammate defensive lineman Ryan Puente agrees.
“Randy is a great linebacker,” said Puente. “He’s one of the best linebackers La Feria has had in the past 20 years. He’s always correcting us and making the right checks, but if somebody messes up he just fills the gap as it should be. He is just a great linebacker.”
No matter the outcome, La Feria has assured itself a share of the district title and a playoff spot. However, should the team lose, that’s when scenarios to get a little messy.