Laredo United South bests Los Fresnos

LOS FRESNOS — Los Fresnos head coach Marco Hinojosa said a three-to-four-minute stretch in the third quarter was the difference in the Falcons 49-42 defeat to Laredo United South Friday afternoon.

The Panthers kept the Falcons off the board for opening few minutes of the second half, going up 36-23 before Los Fresnos answered.

“We knew it was going to be two heavyweights going at it,” Hinojosa said. “The one that made the less mistakes was going to win that basketball game, that was Laredo United South.”

Hinojosa was pleased with the team’s effort.

“I think it got us better today,” Hinojosa said. “That is what it is about, and now we just got to prepare for PSJA Bears on Tuesday.”

Los Fresnos clawed their way back in the game in the fourth quarter to make up for the 13-5 third quarter. A 3-pointer by Luis Ramirez cut the lead to 43-37 late in the fourth, but that was as close as it would be.

“There were times where we had chances to capitalize, but we didn’t,” Falcons junior guard Jj Salazar said.

Salazar led the Falcons (17-6) in scoring with 13 points. Ramirez added 12 points and Gio Galvan scored 11 points.

Laredo United South (18-6) can shoot.

The Panthers hit a total of eight 3-pointers, nearly half of the team’s points came from shots beyond the arc and when those shots hit, they came in stretches like in the third quarter.

Laredo United South also had a 3-point streak in the end of the first and beginning of the second quarters. The Panthers hit three straight shots from deep as they took an 18-11 lead before the Falcons came back to go down by two points at halftime.

Panthers guard Hector Murillo scored a game-high 17 points and forward Ray Trevino added 12 points.

“They have five guys that can flat out score,” Hinojosa said. “They do a good job moving that basketball. I don’t think we closed out well. I think we could have done a better job at closing out, communicating and talking on the floor. But again, credit them, great team and heck of a coach doing a good job at his first year at Laredo United South.”

Los Fresnos returns to action against PSJA High at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday at PSJA High School.