Lady Chargers sweep past PSJA Memorial

By ANDREW CRUM, Staff Writer

Despite a slow start, Brownsville Veterans Memorial accomplished what it set out to do during its first volleyball match of the season.

The Lady Chargers played through nerves during their first home match and, on the power of senior Mariza Cardenas’ 13 kills, netted a 25-16, 25-17, 25-3 victory over PSJA Memorial in their opener Tuesday.

“We started off slowly. I think it was just the jitters,” Brownsville Veterans coach Lisa Mares said. “The goal was to win in three, and we did that. It wasn’t pretty in the first two games, but we picked it up, especially with our serving.”

The first two sets were similar, Brownsville Veterans built a decent lead and PSJA Memorial fought its way back to get close or tie the score. But the Lady Wolverines were making too many unforced errors to overcome the Lady Chargers.

“For the first two games, it was a roller coaster of playing and relaxing, playing and relaxing,” PSJA Memorial coach Angie Gonzales said. “(Our) game wasn’t there (in the third set) today.”

The Lady Wolverines also played with virtually a new team after losing six seniors to graduation. Five players returned to varsity this season, but none were starters last year.

“We don’t have the talent that we did last year, but these girls are very hard workers,” Gonzales said. “We have a lot of heart, a lot of hustle. (We) were out of sync in terms of communication, that’s what probably effected our play the most.”

Mares was especially impressed with the way her senior stepped up in the win.

“Mariza has been playing well, she’s gotten better over the summer,” Mares said. “In the scrimmages, I saw a difference in her. She’s playing smarter, hitting at all three sides, being a weapon from all sides. I’ve been really proud of her.”

Ashley Tumlinson and Megan Sanchez each had seven kills apiece, Krista Lopez finished with 18 digs, and BB Brown and Clarissa Chavez combined for 21 assists for the Lady Chargers.

The Lady Wolverines’ coach wasn’t worried about the setback.

“When they were talking, they were playing at their peak,” Gonzales said. “When we stop talking or someone made a mistake, everybody was down. So we have to keep the energy level high, that and communication is going to be key for us. Everyone has to be in sync. Once (we) get to know each other, get that team bond, we’re going to mesh really well.”

Emily Rivera had nine kills and Carla De Leon had five kills for PSJA Memorial.

Even with the victory, Mares felt like the struggle during the first two sets will help her team further into the season.

“It’s a good thing (to get a win), but I feel we still have a lot to work on,” she said. “I sometimes feel if it goes perfect, they’ll feel we’re already really good. In a sense, I am upset because I expected a little more, but we got the win and we still have things to work on. I think that motivates them also to work harder in practice.”

Andrew Crum covers sports for The Brownsville Herald. You can reach him at (956) 982-6629 or via email at [email protected]. On Twitter he’s @andrewmcrum.