Lady Cards’ Gonzalez signs to play for TLU

By EDWARD SEVERN, Staff Writer

HARLINGEN — Harlingen High Lady Cardinals senior Victoria Gonzalez signed Wednesday to continue her tennis career at Texas Lutheran University.

“It has been something I have always looked forward to,” Gonzalez said.

Gonzalez plans to major in biology at Texas Lutheran. After her undergraduate studies, Gonzalez hopes to further her education at Texas A&M University and pursue a career as a veterinarian.

Gonzalez is a captain on the tennis team. During the ceremony, she was praised about her work ethic.

“I am still working on it, and I am just trying to keep going,” Gonzalez said. “You have to put a lot of time in and put stuff aside.”

Victoria’s parents, Gustavo and Belinda Gonzalez, were there firsthand to see it all.

“I am extremely proud of her,” Gustavo Gonzalez said. “She is a hard worker. After school she practices, and even if she is not practicing tennis she is in the gym.”

Gustavo Gonzalez also lauded his daughter’s effort in the classroom and is delighted by his daughter’s ideas for her future.

“It is encouraging not only to us, but also my younger daughter,” he said. “She gets to see her sister achieve some goals a little at a time.”

Victoria Gonzalez soon will join the Bulldogs but will forever be a Cardinals athlete.

“All of her hard work is paying off, and I am excited to see her at the next level,” Belinda Gonzalez said. “We appreciate all the hard work that coaches have put into her work ethic and in tennis. I am so proud of her.”