Harlingen South’s Adey Awah looks to lead defense after position change

Staff Writer

HARLINGEN — Despite a 3-7 2014 season in which a lot of Harlingen South players went through growing pains, then first-year defensive end Adey Awah became a junior standout.
The first-year varsity defensive end was named to the 32-6A All-District second team as a junior, but this year, things are a little different.
This year Awah will transition from defensive end to middle linebacker.
While it’s known that position changes can be rocky, Awah has had a lot of support getting acclimated.
“It’s hard to transition, but my coaches and former linebackers have taught me how to carry myself,” Awah said. “There were some bumps, but now I know I have to take care of my position and help those around me.”
South head coach Lanny Wilson said the move will benefit the team once he gets it down.
“When you have a player as good as Adey, you don’t want to put him on one side, because the offense is going to run to the other side,” South head football coach Lanny Wilson said. “We’re trying to put him in the middle of the field so he can be in on plays on both sides of the football.”
A year ago, the South Hawks were a young and inexperienced bunch, but Awah says that is not the case this season.
“The guys are more experienced. We know what to see and we know how to line up correctly, coach up the new players,” Awah said.
When asked if the defense would be a cornerstone of the team, Awah simply replied “We need to be.”
Awah has even embraced the leadership role his new position calls for and hopes he can be a model for success.
“It all motivates me to be better and help the younger guys get to where they want to be,” Awah said. “I really want to help the guys realize the importance of team ball. When you’re a team, that’s when everything starts going.
“There is a lot more responsibility, but I really feel like I can step up to the plate.”
Not only does Awah feel confident in his actions while trying to lead the defense, but Wilson believes he is a good representation of the entire team off the field as well as on.
“He’s a leader by example and he’s very smart. He gets better every day at practice and he only needs to be told how to do something once and it gets done,” Wilson said. “Everyone respects him because he’s a great teammate and a great person to have on the team. He represents the team well in the halls and in our community.”
Awah makes plays on the field and A’s in the classroom, but without one, the other would not be possible according to the senior linebacker.
“On the field we get taught discipline and to get our stuff done,” he said. “So I go home finish my work and get whatever needs to be done finished so I don’t have anything holding me back and I can just focus.”