Hanna’s Aguero enjoying successful senior season


Hanna’s Aniel Aguero has had quite the senior track and field season.

This year, Aguero has racked up five gold medals in the 400-meter run, with her most recent coming at Saturday’s District 32-6A meet with a time of 59.57.

Aguero was also on the district-winning 400-meter relay team and the area-qualifying 1600-meter relay team.

The Hanna senior qualified to the Region IV-6A meet in all three events last season and is hoping to repeat that feat this season.

The Brownsville Herald caught up with Aguero and got to know the Lady Golden Eagles’ senior a little more.

Q: When and why did you decide you wanted to take up track and field?

Aguero: It was third-grade year and my elementary coach encouraged me to join just for fun. So I did and I eventually fell in love with running.

Q: I see you compete in a couple of events. What would you say if your favorite event and why?

Aguero: The 400 meter dash is definitely my favorite event. I even dare to say it’s one of the hardest races in track and field. Just the thrill of being nervous since it’s a full lap that requires sprinting from beginning to end is something I like feeling.

Q: What’s the hardest part about being a track and field athlete and how do you feel you approach whatever it is?

Aguero: The workouts for sure are one of the hard parts of track and field. As a track and field athlete, you put so many hours into practice just to run for a minute or less at the meet. So I constantly have to keep in mind that what you put into practice is what you’ll get at the meet.

Q: What’s your favorite memory of your track career?

Aguero: Being able to be a regional finalist last year for my individual event was truly a blessing. The fact that I was able to run against some of the best runners in the region was amazing.

Q: Do you play any other sports? If so, what are they and does being in track help you when it comes to competing in them?

Aguero: I’ve been playing volleyball since the fourth grade, so being in track has helped me better myself when it comes to volleyball. Thanks to track and field, I was able to be quick on defense and have the endurance to play all around throughout my volleyball season.

Q: On meet days, what does your typical routine look like?

Aguero: In the mornings, our coach usually takes us to Jason’s Deli. The meal that I always get is the chicken noodle soup in a bowl with a side cup of fruit and some cold lemonade to accompany the meal.

Q: Who would you say is one of the toughest athletes you’ve had to compete against and in what event?

Aguero: Weslaco has always managed to give us a good race, but I have to give Amity Ebarb props for being an outstanding runner in the 400-meter dash.

Q: What meet do you look forward to the most and why?

Aguero: Meet of Champions is a very fun meet to participate in. My team and I get to compete against many schools from the RGV, and luckily, we’ve managed to always be successful.

Q: Tell the readers something they may not know about you.

Aguero: I was actually born in Matamoros, but when my family and I moved to the U.S., it was hard for me to adjust to the new lifestyle. My english wasn’t the best and running somehow made it easy for me to be able to get along with other kids my age.

Q: What’s your favorite movie or show and why?

Aguero: The Book of Life is definitely my favorite movie. Just the small details that the producers made during the making this movie amazes me.

Q: What’s your favorite food and why?

Aguero: My grandma Fina makes the best Entomatadas, which includes corn tortillas dipped in tomato sauce with white cheese inside that is made into a taco.

Q: If you could have dinner with one person, alive or dead, who would it be and why?

Aguero: The Tejano Music Queen Selena Quintanilla! Ever since my first bus ride back from a track meet, I’d sing some Selena Quintanilla songs.