Garza twins providing potent combo for Sharyland Pioneer


Last season, Sharyland Pioneer senior Desiree Garza watched her twin sister, Deandra, become one of the team’s star hitters.

A first-team all-district selection in 2014, Deandra is the Lady Diamondbacks’ leading returner in kills, a player who was expected to take on a major role in the team’s offense this season. But that plan was derailed in February, when Deandra developed a case of plantar fasciitis that has limited her all year long.

Desiree knew it was her time to move into the spotlight.

“She was the go-to last year, so we needed someone to step it up this year,” Desiree said. “We trained in the summer. She pushed me. And now, she’s always telling me, ‘Des, if you’re on, the team is on. We need you.’”

With Desiree taking on a leading role and Deandra rounding into form, Pioneer believes it is peaking at the perfect time heading into tonight’s Class 5A area-round playoff matchup against Victoria West.

Together, the Garza twins have formed a potent duo on the front line, often playing side-by-side.

“Last year Deandra had a lot of achievements, a lot of success,” coach Laura Cavazos said. “Desiree was pushing her and excited for her. This year, Desiree has really stepped in the light, and Deandra has been there for her. They’re very supportive of each other.”

Deandra began struggling with her injury in February, when she said her foot gave out on her during a track meet. She’s run the gamut of possible treatment options for her left heel: doctor’s appointments in Dallas and San Antonio, six steroid injections, rest, massages, and a brace to wear at night. But none of it worked.

“I wasn’t supposed to play volleyball my senior year, but of course I wasn’t going to let that happen,” Garza said. “It affects me every single day, but I’m not letting myself down. I’m not going to give up. I just put up a fight every single day and block the pain out of my head, so I can perform my best every day.”

She said it doesn’t feel so bad once she gets active and moving, but getting out of bed in the morning is a challenge. On the court, she could tell her vertical and her hitting weren’t in top form.

“I just wasn’t the same player,” Deandra said. “I would cry every day to my parents, ‘Guys, it’s not the same. It’s hard. I don’t want to do it. I want to quit.’”

After being severely limited during the first round of district play, Deandra said she came back stronger in the second half. She was determined to make the most of her senior year — a common goal for the eight seniors on the roster, including Desiree.

Deandra said she feels like she’s back to her old self, and Cavazos said Deandra played one of her best matches in the team’s bi-district win against Edcouch-Elsa.

“I’m seeing my Deandra back, and she’s playing the best she has all season,” Cavazos said. “It’s perfect timing for us right now.”

While the injury has hurt Deandra’s production, Desiree has shown major improvements from last year. She jumped from 87 kills last season to 174 this year, ranking No. 2 on the team behind senior Maddie Hatzold. Desiree credited the progress to summer training and healing from a severe ankle sprain that cost her most of the second half of the 2014 district season.

Cavazos said she sees an improved focus in Desiree, and Deandra pointed to an increase in her confidence.

“She’s actually killing it,” Deandra said. “She’s something else. She puts the ball down guaranteed every single time.”

With both in top form, the Garzas have become a formidable front-row combination. On certain rotations they’ll line up side-by-side, where their chemistry and communication help them stifle the opposition’s offense.

“Since we’re twins, we read each other and we have each other’s back,” Deandra said. “I love playing with her. It never gets old. We have a lot of fun playing together in the front row. We do really great together.”

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