Garcia advances to UTRGV

Laurynn Alexis Garcia does not let any obstacle get in the way when it comes to running, not even injuries that were almost unbearable to sustain. McAllen Rowe’s senior signed to the University of Rio Grande Valley for the upcoming school year to further her education and cross-country career, despite the fact of suffering from two major injuries her freshman and sophomore year of high school.

Garcia started competing in cross-country when she was in middle school. “When I got promoted from eight grade to ninth grade, I was so happy because it was going to be summer and I was finally going to be able to relax,” Garcia said. “And it was that Saturday the day after the last day of school when my dad woke me up really early and asked if I wanted to go to the flea market- I said yes right away, not knowing that I was being tricked.”

Garcia ended up in the McAllen Rowe high school field instead that morning. “My dad tricked me and took me to the high school cross country practice,” Garcia said. “I was forced to be there because my dad thought I was very good at running and told me that I should continue doing it (cross-country) in high school.”

After securing her spot in the varsity team her freshman year, Garcia suffered from a hip alignment that was out of balance early in the season, not letting her continue. “I remember still running after my injury – I was in so much pain,” Garcia said. “It got to the point where I couldn’t take it anymore and decided not to finish the season.” Garcia was able to heal and continued to practice. “I did not let my injury put me down, I decided to take it as a way to practice more and prepare for my sophomore year.” Unfortunately, Garcia ended her sophomore season early suffering from shin splints injuries. “I was very upset that I couldn’t compete as much as I wanted to in my freshman and sophomore year, I still continued to practice and told myself it was going to be better the following year,” Garcia said.

Garcia set her mind that junior year will be her year. “I started doing more PR’s (personal records),” Garcia said. “I really got into it and got into this diet where I would not drink any coke or chips – I wanted to be ready for my last two years of high school.”

Garcia and the girls-cross country team achieved district champions and made it to regionals both her junior and senior year. “I was so happy I made it to regionals, there were around 300-500 girls and I placed in the 100’s, which was not bad for not finishing my freshman and sophomore season.”

Garcia was already getting offers from universities after her junior year district meet at La Joya. “This gentleman from CMU approached me after the meet and started giving me some papers and offers for their school,” Garcia said. “I was just a junior so I did not want to take any offers because that was not my concentration at that time.”

Apart from succeeding in cross-country, Garcia also participated in varsity softball all four years of high school. “It was hard maintaining two sports at once and having all these injuries keep you from playing what you love to do,” Garcia said.

Garcia accomplished All-district team 30-6A honorable mention outfielder in 2017, All-district team 30-6A 1st team outfielder in 2018, 30-6A District champions for softball in 2018 and two year 30-6A girls cross-country district champions 2018-2019.

Garcia will continue her cross-country career at UTRGV.

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