Ceballos, Ayala have La Feria clicking at just the right time


Staff Writer

LA FERIA — For Lionette head basketball coach Angel Martinez having both Illiana Ayala and Connie Ceballos this season has been a blessing and a challenge.

On one hand Ayala has been an imposing figure on the both sides of the ball. The junior standout has averaged five steals a game defensivly this season, while offensively she has averaged 16 points for the past two games. Putting up big numbers in the postseason.

On the other hand Ayala’s tenacious defense has also cost the junior at times.

“Illiana is a very aggressive player and it gets her in trouble sometimes,” said coach Martinez. “She’s a work horse defensivly because she makes things happen, getting steals after steals. She’s fast.”

“She’s the district champion in hurdles for a reason. She has that speed not very many kids in the valley have.”

For Coach Martinez, Ceballos has been an unstoppable force from outside the three point line. The senior has put away an astonishing 58 three pointers this season alone.

However basketball isn’t anything new for the girls, Ceballos has been playing since she was in the sixth grade while Ayala began at the same time but was a fifth grader when she first went up against Ceballos.

Now the dynamic duo are an integral part of the squad and are a big reason why the Lionettes have made the area round of the playoffs.

“With these two girls on the floor it’s a whole different team,” said Martinez. “Teams don’t know who to focus on.”

“You have this girl (Ayala) who’s all over the place making steals, then you have this other finess shooter (Ceballos) that’s buring shots from the outside.”

However these two athletes excel at much more than basketball. The soft spoken Ceballos also shines in volleyball and softball. Teammate Ayala is also a thriple sport threat, standing out in volleyball and in track where she is the current district champion in the hurdles.

Despite these two playmakers not very many people expected the Lionettes to get past a strong Rockport-Fulton side loaded with talent. But the two rose to the occasion and guided their team to victory.

“People can doubt us all they want,” said Ayala. “But as long as we show up on the court, play our game, and prove that we’re here to win and that we are the team to beat, then we should be fine.”

“Coach (Martinez) always says never hold back on the potential you have.”