Brownsville Veterans’ Meyers to play football for Highlands University

By ANDREW CRUM, Staff Writer

Not too long ago, Brownsville Veterans Memorial’s Jeremiah Meyers would have told you he hoped to play basketball in college.

Then football intervened.

Jeremiah Meyers, who has only been playing the game for less than two years, will continue his football career at Highlands University, a NCAA Division II school in New Mexico. He made his decision official during a signing ceremony Thursday at Brownsville Veterans.

Jeremiah Meyers had visits to other schools as well, but after a lengthy conversation with his future coach during spring break, he made up his mind.

“I felt confident about the decision,” he said. “It just felt right.”

The senior, who is also a standout on the basketball court, lived in Michigan with his family for the beginning of his high school career and had his sights set on taking his basketball game to the next level. His father, Devine Meyers, who works as a personal trainer and coaches basketball, helped get him started in the weight room.

“His sophomore year we started going to the gym together and he hated it,” the elder Meyers said. “I taught him the basics of lifting, eating, getting protein and dieting.”

Jeremiah Meyers would grow three inches and was up to 200 pounds by the time he returned to Brownsville before his junior year. Upon his return, he decided to give football a try.

“I knew that I wanted to try football. The first season was a good season, but I wasn’t sure it was for me,” he said.

Jeremiah Meyers continued to get better and attended some football camps during the summer before his senior season. His confidence grew as his intellect of the game did too. A few games into the new season was all it took for Jeremiah Meyers to change his original plan.

“I had a great game and it was exciting. I think I fell in love with it right there,” he said. “It felt just more natural. … I think football really pushes you to be the best athlete you can be.”

Suddenly football was the priority over basketball.

“One day the switch went off. He figured it himself,” Devine Meyers said.

The senior received both athletic and academic scholarships to cover nearly all of his tuition this upcoming year and everything after that. Jeremiah Meyers plans to study business with emphasis on finance and management.

The receiver was one of the top pass catchers in District 32-6A and helped the Chargers earn a playoff berth this season. His coaches saw his talent and the potential he had despite the initial inexperience.

“The most special part of it is that I saw a young man fall in love with the game of football,” Brownsville Veterans coach David Cantu said. “I think it’s because it’s Texas high school football. Seeing that was pretty special.”

Andrew Crum covers sports for The Brownsville Herald. You can reach him at (956) 982-6629 or via email at [email protected]. On Twitter he’s @andrewmcrum.