Area wrestlers in the hunt for state ticket

Wrestlers across the Valley are aiming at punching their tickets to state today the UIL Region IV-5A tournament in Austin.

PSJA Memorial’s Abel Alvardo (21-1) will face Uvalde High’s Arlin Padilla (25-9) in the 106-pound weight class semifinal today. In the other semifinal Edcouch-Elsa’s Derick Arellano (26-5) and Sharyland High’s Alberto Mendoza (39-8) will match up in the other semifinal for a shot at the regionals’ top spot in that class.

Edcouch-Elsa’s Mario Treviño’s improved his record to 33-5 in the 113-pound division. He faces Aiden Burke (33-8). Also in that division, PSJA Memorial’s Diego Aguilera defeated his first opponent in a 9-4 decision. His second-round opponent, Sebastian Pacheco, went on to defeat Aguilera.

PSJA Memorial’s Alberto Elizondo (34-6) reached the semifinal round in the 120-pound division.

Sharyland Pioneer’s Angel Avila (42-5) advanced two rounds into the 126-pound division. He will face Ethan Adock (26-7) in the semifinal match to reach the finals today. In the other semifinal match up Vanguard Academy’s Rembrandt Noel Torres (31-7) will face Dripping Springs’ Micha Ribera (28-9) for a shot at championship.

Rio Grande City’s Rene Treviño (16-2) is knocking on the finals door after taking down his opponents from Austin and Corpus Christi. He will face Cedar Park’s Gage Foulds (26-9) in the semifinals today. Edcouch Elsa’s Adrian Martinez (33-8) and Sharyland Pioneer’s Kenneth Briere (32-21) survived day one and are two rounds away from reaching the match for third and fourth.

Sharyland Pioneer’s Daniel Huerta (40-10) rolled past his opponents from San Antonio and Victoria and is looking to advance to state in the 145-pound division. Also, in the division Sharyland High’s Moses Rodriguez (33-16) will face off with Valley View’s Eivar Flores (28-13). Rodriguez defeated Edcouch-Elsa’s Kevin Trujillo (25-21,) ending his run at regionals.

In the 152-pound division Grulla’s Alberto Montalvo extend his record to 18-2 on his way to his semifinal match up with Dripping Spring’s Chase Warden (31-0). Also in the division were Mission Veterans’ Luis Ramirez, Edcouch-Elsa’s Luis Salazar, Roma’s Eliberto Muñnoz ended their seasons after taking two losses in day one of regionals competition.

Three Valley wrestlers survived day one at regionals in the 170-pound division. Sharyland High’s Santino Pascual (24-7) reached the semifinals. In the other semifinal match Edcouch-Elsa’s Joel Garza. If each are successful, Pascual and Garza will meet once more since Garza defeated Pascual for the district championship in Elsa. Also surviving Day 1 is Donna High’s Marc Espinoza (18-12). Espinosa and Rio Grande City’s Gregorio Vela (24-16) met in the loser’s bracket and Espinosa advanced.

Edcouch-Elsa’s Ross Uresti reached the semifinals in the 182-pound division. Grulla’s Wayne Austin surived and will need to win two matches today to reach the third-place match. PSJA Memorial’s Salyers Garcia and Sharyland Pioneer’s Andrew Torres did not make it to Day 2 of regional competition.

In the 195-pound division, Johnathan Rios (19-5) reached the semifinals match. Roel Resendez survived and will continue to battle for a chance to reach the third place match. Sharyland Pioneer’s Ethan Garza reached the semifinals.

Sharyland Pioneer’s Orlando Camacho and Edcouch-Elsa’s Bobby Gonzalez also reached the semifinals and with match up today for a chance to move on to state with a win today and clash for first in the 285-pound heavyweight championship at regionals.

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