Amy Garcia is doing the little things for Weslaco High


WESLACO — On any given game night, a quick glance at Amy Garcia’s stat line won’t give you pause. As a post player on a guard-heavy Weslaco High team, she gets her points when she can.

But numbers don’t always indicate a player’s value.

Consider Garcia, a 5-foot-3 post who is routinely undersized to do battle in the paint. Though her statistics appear mundane, Garcia’s ability to maximize the little things is one reason why the Lady Panthers are once again competing for a district title.

“There’s games where you have to prepare for her,” Weslaco coach Griselda Fino said. “When we go into a game, I know any team that doesn’t prepare for her is going to get killed by her. Being as little as she is, that says a lot.”

An underrated post talent in a guard’s body, Garcia knows her duties — box out, get rebounds and end opponent possessions. It’s dirty work, but someone has to do it on a team where interior play is a luxury. Not only does Garcia succeed, but she flourishes as the team’s leading rebounder.

Garcia’s production is a deviation from the norm for the Lady Panthers (22-6, 5-0 District 31-6A). In seasons past, the team could count on nearly 15 points per game from traditional posts. Laura Van Tilburg did just that in 2013 while the six-foot Megan Peralez was the team’s post threat a season ago.

“She’s just as important as all of them,” Fino said of Garcia. “She doesn’t need to score that many points per game. She just needs to do what she’s good at to make our team better.”

Garcia plays with a controlled aggression that allows her to muscle against other players who are at times nearly a foot taller than her. It’s that same combative spirit that proved to be a detriment during her time in middle school.

Fino and teammates speak to Garcia’s mean streak, how she would get in fights and take physical contact during games personally. Senior forward Jazzlyn Muniz has played alongside Garcia since that time and recalls a game where she calmed her teammate after receiving a deliberate shove.

“She wanted to push them back,” Muniz said. “I always told her to calm down or else she was going to get a technical… We have to have class. Every time we get pushed, we can’t push back. We have to keep our composure to show that we’re the better team.”

So rugged was Garcia’s on-court personality, her middle school coach told Fino she wasn’t worth the trouble, and that attempting to make her a better player would be a waste of time. Unfazed, Fino brought Garcia aboard and went to work polishing her skill set.

Garcia is too unwieldy for the proper handles befitting of a point guard, a position in line with her diminutive stature. So Fino put her to work on post moves. First came drop-steps, then more finessed footwork. From her time on the freshman team up to this year’s senior campaign, Garcia not only has the proper basketball tools, but a confident mindset to boot.

“I’ve gotten tougher, for sure,” Garcia said. “I know the floor better now. I know I’m small, but I don’t see a difference between myself and my competition. I just picture myself the same height as them. It doesn’t really phase me.”

But there was also considerable time spent shaping her attitude. As a freshman and sophomore, Garcia’s short temper would act out during games she didn’t play well. But Fino’s brand of tough love helped to soften what was a hard personality.

“It was a matter of making her understand that it’s not about you,” Fino said. “This is about us. This is about playing for the Lady Panthers. You can’t act like a fool out there because you’re making me and your teammates look like fools, and that’s not going to happen.”

Garcia’s path has come full circle. During a practice Wednesday, the team was going through light shooting drills and attempting layups. After several missed bunnies, Garcia, irked by the apparent apathy, spoke up and questioned why her teammates’ focus was missing.

Fino saw it all and couldn’t help but feel vindicated for sticking with Garcia through the ups and downs.

“That’s why she’s a leader I know I can count on,” Fino said.

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