King again: Del Angel Jr. captures fifth McAllen Amateur golf title

McALLEN — Miguel Del Angel Jr. is no stranger to the top at the McAllen Amateur Golf Championship. The Mission-native entered this weekend’s event with four championships under his belt, the most in tournament history.

Heading into the final hole of the day Sunday, Del Angel found himself on the verge of his fifth title, tied with San Antonio’s Luke Antonelli at 4-over par. The seasoned veteran delivered, chipping the ball just inches away from the hole followed by an easy putt for the birdie to capture his fifth McAllen Amateur championship during the 20th Texas Regional Bank McAllen Amateur Golf Championship at McAllen’s Champion Lakes Golf Course.

“I was one back with four holes left to play,” Del Angel said. “To be able to finish 2-under on my last hole, it was great. I was just thinking about making a birdie or eagle. The chip was probably more nerve wracking than the putt, but I just hit my spot and rolled it up there close. From there, well, I can handle four-inch putts.”

The event drew 168 registered golfers, the most in tournament history.

Each golfer was split into one of five flights, with the top competitors grouped into the championship flight.

Del Angel shot 1-over par with a score of 73 during the final day of play, finishing with a combined score of 147 for the victory in the tournament’s championship flight. The win marked his first championship since 2016, also capturing titles in 2008, 2010 and 2013.

“I love playing golf. I wish I could play more,” Del Angel said. “I hadn’t played in nearly two weeks. I came down with COVID about 14 days ago. … It’s hard to come out here and put a number to your name. I wish more guys would come out and play because we have a lot of good guys in the area. I just want to thank my family. My wife is sick and my boys couldn’t be here. I wish they were all here today but it’s still an honor to win again.”

Antonelli sat at 18th after Saturday’s action, shooting 7-over for a score of 79. He battled his way back to the top with a tournament-high score of 69 during Sunday’s final round, finishing one stroke behind Del Angel Jr. with a total score of 148. McLean Beckwith finished third in the championship flight with a 78-71 149 total.

“It’s a great event and I had a good time,” Antonelli said. “I obviously didn’t do myself any favors yesterday, but I thought if I could come out and play well today, I might have a chance. I got close but ultimately the better guy won.”

Luis Cerrillo took home the title in the first flight, tallying a score of 78-78 156 total. Oscar Caro (79-79 158 total) and Ryan Newman (78-81 159 total) finished second and third, respectively.

In the second flight, David Gonzalez captured first (80-80 160 total), with Ruben Castillo (83-80 163 total) and Ruben Alanis Salazar (83-81 164 total) coming in second and third, respectively.

Ventura Garza finished first in the third flight with a combined score of 168, with David Estrada claiming first in the fourth flight with a 163.

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