Hawks tennis athletes preparing for regional

By EDWARD SEVERN, Staff Writer

HARLINGEN — The Harlingen South tennis team qualified eight athletes for the regional tournament next week.

It has been another great season for the program, led by coach Ernesto Escamilla Jr. Back in November, the team won the District 32-6A championship as a team and had the most athletes qualify for the regional from their district.

“I am proud of the team, they completed the assignment,” Escamilla Jr. said. “Our main focus is effort, our energy and to elevate one another.”

South finished first and second in boys singles. Freshman Diego Garcia captured the district title by defeating teammate Vicente Rodriguez.

Garcia plans on keeping the pressure off of himself by lowering his expectations due to the fact that he will be competing against older and more seasoned athletes.

“I used to get down on myself when I played juniors and seniors, expecting to win, but I do not like to feel that way,” he said.

Rodriguez is still happy about the performance. The sophomore started the season on junior varsity and worked his way up to the regional tournament.

“I am pretty excited, this is my third out-of-town tournament with the team, so I am hoping I can do good,” he said.

Senior Ryne McMinn teamed with sophomore Ethan Carter to take the boys doubles district title.

“It is awesome being partnered with Ethan,” McMinn said. “I do not think I would have gotten this far without him. He is really good.”

McMinn said Carter’s composure helps them on the court because it keeps him calm.

“I really want to go to San Antonio,” Carter said. “The trip is fun, but I am there to compete and at least want to get out of the first round.”

The boys came from behind to win the match 4-6, 6-4, 7-6 (2).

Senior Clarissa Rubio and junior McLean Wittenbach teamed to win the mixed doubles district title.

“It is my senior year, so it is a really big accomplishment and I am glad that I got to play alongside of him,” Rubio said.

Rubio and Wittenbach lost the first set 6-1 to their opponents, but rebounded to win the next two sets 6-3 and 7-5.

“We worked hard for it,” Wittenbach said. “We put in the time, and I think we really did deserve it.”

Rounding out the qualifiers for South was the girls doubles team of Caitlyn Morales and Michelle McFarland. The girls finished in second place.

“I love her,” McFarland said. “She is the best teammate I could have asked for. I am excited to end my senior year and tennis off on a high note.”

McFarland was surprised that she was going to play doubles instead of singles at district, but when she found out she was going to play with Morales she was happy.

“I am really excited,” Morales said. “It is really nice to partner with her for her senior year. I think we will do well.”