Lady Chargers practicing ahead of playoffs

By EDWARD SEVERN, Staff Writer

BROWNSVILLE — The Brownsville Veterans Memorial Lady Chargers finished District 32-5A in second place this season and are ready to continue their success in the playoffs.

“I feel we had a pretty successful season,” senior goalkeeper Emma Gonzalez said. “Of course, there is always room and space to improve. We continue to practice every day and try to improve on our weaknesses.”

Brownsville Veterans capped off a week of outdoor practice with a film session Friday as they prepare to face the McAllen Rowe Lady Warriors on Thursday at Brownsville Veterans.

“It is very important to watch film,” sophomore Angela Garcia said. “Not only to see the opponents’ mistakes, but our mistakes as well, so we can improve for our next match.”

The sophomore led her team in scoring from the midfield this season. Garcia finished with 28 goals in all competitions and 20 during district play.

“I think we did better than last year, but we could have won district if it was not for that first game,” Garcia said.

Senior Vivianna Gutierrez netted 22 goals this season, 13 in district. Junior Leah Rodriguez chipped in with seven district goals.

“It is important to see the strengths and weaknesses of the other team in order to build a better game plan,” Rodriguez said. “I feel like we are going to do good, and we are ready.”

Rodriguez was happy with the number of teammates that showed up to practice during Spring Break.

“We were able to do a lot of scrimmaging, drills and created plays off of what we could expect,” she said. “We are learning to attack the spaces they leave and raise our abilities.”

The Lady Chargers are confident, but not cocky. They understand that McAllen Rowe has dangerous players that can change a game.

“For the playoff game, I think we are in perfect shape to almost peak right at that game and have one of the best games all season,” Gonzalez said. “We are able to adapt to anybody we face, and mentally we are prepared. We have that competitive drive, and we want to win.”