Brownsville IDEA Riverview wins first boys soccer championship

By CLAIRE CRUZ, Staff Writer

Brownsville IDEA Riverview defeated Brownsville Jubilee 2-1 in regulation Friday to close the season and clinch the District 32-4A championship.

Riverview athletic director Albert Perez said it was a tight game from start to finish. The Riverview Rockets got on the board first during the first half on a goal by Haziel Mejia after a long punt by the goalkeeper and good effort to get up over a pair of Jubilee defenders.

Jubilee’s Luis Garza tied things up late in the first half off a corner kick. Pena said the second half was a defensive affair with big stops by both teams’ defenders and goalies, keeping the offenses quiet for most of the half.

With two minutes left in regulation, Riverview’s Damian Elizondo sent a corner kick into the box, and Gustavo Cardenas got up to send a header into the goal for the 2-1 lead. The Rockets’ defense held off Jubilee to seal the win and make history for Riverview.

“It’s the first time we win any district title at the varsity level for our school,” Perez said. “This one’s extra special because we did it without a senior class, we don’t have any seniors, so we don’t have that maturity level. Most of the kids are sophomores, so I was worried about them not understanding that it won’t come easy. But they knew the implications of the game coming in. They were ecstatic. It’s an amazing feeling.”