UIL’s COVID-19 suspension amended


The University Interscholastic League announced Friday it would modify its contingency plans to extend the timeline for completing athletic events in accordance with Texas governor Greg Abbott’s executive order mandating the closure of schools through May 4 due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

In an email to school superintendents across the state, UIL Deputy Director Jamey Harrison praised educators and coaches for their handling of the coronavirus crisis.

“We continue to be amazed at the great work by public schools across Texas during this crisis,” Harrison wrote. “Thanks to each of you for your leadership and vision for serving students in innovative and creative ways.”

The UIL’s modifications are contingent upon schools resuming operations May 4. Practices and workouts remain suspended until further notice.

Remote instruction — via videoconferencing or other technology-based learning — is limited to eight hours per week per sport, in addition to a maximum of 60 minutes per day Monday through Friday. Out-of-season athletes are limited to 60 minutes of remote instruction per day.

Should the UIL resume athletic activities, it may allow for the possibility of competing in meets, tournaments and invitational competitions. It will require further modifications to qualifying standards in track & field events.

“UIL remains committed to providing a reasonable acclimatization period for rehearsals and practices to occur prior to resuming contests and games,” Harrison wrote. “All decisions remain flexible and will be consistent with the advice of local, state and federal officials.”

Harrison insisted coaches and athletic directors should not make plans for district competition prior to receiving additional information from the UIL to align with the organization’s postseason plans.

In a statement issued Friday, the UIL said it is “reassessing this ever-changing situation daily” and asked the public to monitor its website and social media accounts for further updates.

On Tuesday, Texas Association of Private and Parochial Schools Executive Director Bryan Bunselmeyer announced in a video on the organization’s YouTube channel that it had moved on from its “Plan A” of resuming athletic activities April 13 and is adopting its “Plan B” of returning to practice May 4.

“We look forward to providing opportunities for our young men and women to compete, if the situation allows,” Bunselmeyer said.

In addition, TAPPS sent emails to school officials and put out a call on its official Twitter account Thursday asking for member schools to share how the coronavirus has impacted their communities.

“We want to hear from school leaders on how this is affecting your community,” the organization tweeted. “Listening to the voices of others in similar circumstances helps all of us feel less isolated.”

TAPPS is asking for those interested in participating to send an email to [email protected].