Senior Taylor Gomez leading the way for Lady Bobcats

KEVIN NARRO | Staff Writer

The Rio Hondo Lady Bobcats have checked in a solid 2018-19 season thus far. The Lady ’Cats are 10-2 in district play and are coming off a 64-22 win over Raymondville on Tuesday. One key to the Lady Cats success has been the play of senior Taylor Gomez.

Against Raymondville, the 5-foot-11-inch Gomez led the offense with 20 points, which is her second- best output this season. Along with her 20 points, Gomez checked in seven rebounds, four blocks and two steals.

With the only rock in the road coming against Hidalgo, the senior has been a mainstay for Rio Hondo. With just two games remaining in the regular season, the Lady ’Cats are in a comfortable spot for a postseason berth.

The Valley Morning Star had a chance to catch up with Gomez.

Q: With just two games left in the regular season, what has been the most memorable moment so far?

Taylor: The most memorable moment, or moments I should say, would definitely be seeing my dad on the sideline taking pictures at every single one of my games. He’s taken pictures of my teammates and I for the past four years. So I know that when the season is over that will end, too. However, I have thousands of images to remind me of my playing days.

Q: You play volleyball and basketball, what is the transition like from one sport to the next?

Taylor: It’s tough at first. I go three months without playing in any basketball games, because I’m so focused on volleyball throughout that time. So once volleyball season is over, I’m a little rusty and have to start getting back in the groove of things both physically and mentally.

Q: What is the loudest gym you have played in?

Taylor: The loudest gym I have played in would have to be in La Feria. When we play them at their court both sides bring a big crowd, so it gets pretty rowdy.

Q: Walk us through your gameday routine?

Taylor: Not much of a routine, but there are certain things that I feel have to be done before my game. First, I have to a good breakfast, usually tacos that my dad makes. For lunch, I try to survive on what the school cafeteria serves, and then before the game, at about 5 p.m., my dad usually brings me Chick-Fil-A or Subway. It’s difficult for me to play my best on an empty stomach.

Q: Do you have any superstitions?

Taylor: I do not have any superstitions, but one thing I always have to do before a game is pray.

Q: Tell us something about yourself that we might not know?

Taylor: I didn’t start playing basketball until the seventh grade.

Q: What would be your dream ticket?

Taylor: It would be a dream come true to attend the annual music festival Coachella in California.

Q: If you could have dinner with anyone in history who would it be and why?

Taylor: I would like to have dinner with my great grandfather on my dad’s side and my great grandmother on my mom’s side. According to my parents they were very good people and well-respected, but unfortunately they passed away before I was born and I did not get to meet them.

Q: Friday is parent’s night. As a senior, are there any extra emotions?

Taylor: Of course. It will be my last time playing basketball in that gym as well as the last time standing with my parents getting our picture taken before we go out and play, so it’s very emotional.

Q: What are you currently binge watching on Netflix?

Taylor: I just finished watching Pretty Little Liars on Netflix.