Jaguar girls, Vela boys focused on big upcoming meets

The Edinburg Economedes Jaguars have been on a mission to turn things around this upcoming year. Our girls have committed themselves since the last weeks of May and have goals of being better than then they ever thought possible.

We are blessed to have a strong freshman group with Francesca Alvarado, Audrey Chavez, and Destiny Martinez. Our freshman girls have stepped up and helped turn things around for the team. Francesca has been our consistent third man with a drive I have never seen before.

Dayan Lozano, our senior .has always been our go to girl and leads the group. She is an aggressive leader, runner, and teammate. Her leadership skills are evident when she mentors and leads by example. She truly has big goals for herself and the team. Her work ethic is what all coaches dream of.

Our next best girl, Dianett Garcia, has really been a huge missing piece of the puzzle challenging herself in a sport that she didn’t think much of until now that she has really made some noise. She is the daughter of my first assistant which is also the head soccer coach for our Jaguars.

Our two juniors, Jennifer Almanza and Lesly Trevino, have been our voices in the field and make sure our freshmen stay in the pack in practice. Sophomore Marbella Marquez is a silent but deadly weapon and our little pony. She comes out and pushes her limits, which then pushes the others into another gear.

They they have started strong, earning second or third in each meet, placing them as the Rio Grande Valley’s third best team according to the RGV Cross Country Coaches Association. Our goal is to finish stronger with nothing left. Our motto is to fly together which is the logo printed on their racing shorts.

We have eight girls fighting for the top seven spots on varsity! This has really made them work in practice and fight to earn their spot.

— Brenda Lozano, Edinburg Economedes head coach

Led by Jeremy Niño and Mario Salas, the SaberCats boys cross country team has established itself as one top teams in The Valley and the region. Jeremy and Mario have traded places as leading the SaberCats earlier in the season, but lately seniors Ramsey Moreno and Victor Cordova have added more depth to the SaberCats by closing their gap from within the top four boys.

The SaberCats placed second in two of their first three meets of the season, Laredo’s Border Olympics, Edinburg High’ s Bobcat Invitational and Edinburg North’s Valley Classic Invitational.

After skipping the McNiel invitational to prepare for RGVCCCA Meet of Champions, the SaberCats are excited about the latter part of their season.

The varsity squad is mainly comprised of senios, Jeremy Niño, Ramsey Moreno, Victor Cordova, Rene Luna and Thomas Herrera, and juniors and Mario Salas and Jeremy Longoria.

— Hernan Figueroa, Edinburg Vela head coach