Porter sprinter Sandoval having strong season


Porter sprinter Matthew Sandoval has had a big senior campaign so far out on the track and that continued at last Friday’s Brownsville City Meet.

Sandoval took home gold in both the 100-meter dash (11.14 seconds) and the 200-meter dash (23.10).

The Porter senior even got some work in over at the sand pits, finishing fourth in the long jump with a distance of 19 feet, 2 inches.

The Brownsville Herald caught up with Sandoval and got to know the Cowboys’ athlete a little more.

Q: When and why did you decide you wanted to take up track and field?

Sandoval: I discovered my passion for track in middle school because I realized I love the one on one competition plus I had a lot of success.

Q: I see you compete in sprints. What would you say if your favorite event and why?

Sandoval: My favorite event is the 100 meter dash because the difference between winning and losing can be one tenth of a second.

Q: What’s the hardest part about being a track and field athlete and how do you feel you approach whatever it is?

Sandoval: The grueling practice that we endure daily but I understand it is necessary in order to be successful, it also helps me become mentally tough to help endure what challenges are ahead.

Q: What’s your favorite memory so far from your track career?

Sandoval: Leaving middle school knowing I have defended my district title in the 400-meter relay, 100-meter dash, and 200-meter dash. At that moment, I realized this is something I would love to do for the rest of my life.

Q: Do you play any other sports? If so, what are they and does being in track help you when it comes to competing in them?

Sandoval: I play football, wide receiver, and track can help me in football with speed and conditioning workouts and also keeping a competitive mindset.

Q: On meet days, what does your typical routine look like?

Sandoval: My routine starts when I get on the bus on my way to the stadium. I turn on my music visualizing my race. When I get to the stadium I walk a lap to get a feel for the track and identify my competitors.

Q: Who would you say is one of the toughest athletes you’ve had to compete against and in what event?

Sandoval: My toughest competitor would have to be Leo Ramos from Lopez in the 100-meter dash because our schools have such a great rivalry that drives me harder to succeed.

Q: What meet do you look forward to the most and why?

Sandoval: That would be the Brownsville City Meet, because getting a first place makes you Brownsville champ for that event.

Q: Tell the readers something they may not know about you.

Sandoval: I was born with a life threatening infection in my small intestine. I had to be flown to Corpus Christi to get operated. I had to endure three different operations. As a result, I have several scares to remind myself what I have overcome. Whenever I think times are tough, I just pick up my shirt to remind myself what I overcame.

Q: What’s your favorite movie or show and why?

Sandoval: McFarland U.S.A. because my school gets no respect, but I still find a way to get noticed.

Q: What’s your favorite food and why?

Sandoval: It would have to be the Bacon King from Burger King. Yes, I know burgers are not healthy for a track athlete, but it’s just something about bacon that I just love on a burger.

Q: If you could have dinner with one person, alive or dead, who would it be and why?

Sandoval: That would be Michael Jordan because i would love to pick his brain on how he was so mentally tough and find out what drove his passion.