Bennett ready for Bird Bowl XXVI

KEVIN NARRO | Staff Writer

HARLINGEN — Hawks junior wide receiver Brady Bennett is no stranger to the Bird Bowl. Bennett is in his second year on the varsity and was moved up last year and ironically made his debut against Harlingen.

Bennett, along with senior wide out Derrick Delgado, has provided the Hawks with a strong passing attack. Bennet has 13 catches for 220 yards and one score this season.

Bennett will look to make an impact Friday night, he is also following in the foot steps of his older brother Brandon Bennett who graduated last year from South and played football for the Hawks.

Q: You grew up around the Bird Bowl, what does this game mean to you?
Brady: It means a lot to me because it’s about pride, and it’s about showing who the top dog is. It would be great to win it for our school.

Q: You have emerged as a top target for David Torres, what are some things you worked on to improve your game?
Brady: I have been working on my speed and agility.

Q: Has Brandon reached out to you throughout the season, and what advice does he give you?
Brady: He always tries to encourage me to work harder because we are always competing against one another, and he wants me to be the best.

Q: As a junior, how has this season been for you and what are some things you have seen improve as an offense?
Brady: It’s been an exciting season because we are winning, and our offense is using a diverse amount of passing and running plays.

Q: You wear the number 88, any reason behind it?
Brady: I wear it because Houston Texans wide out Demaryius Thomas is one of my favorite players.

Q: If you could pick a super power what would it be and why?
Brady: Super speed because I like to watch the show Flash, and I have seen all the things he can do with that power.

Q: What is the most expensive thing you have broken?
Brady: My arm. I haven’t really broken anything that is expensive because I’m careful with my stuff.

Q: Who is your favorite athlete?
Brady: It would be Minnesota Vikings Adam Thielen.

Q: Tell us something about yourself that the fans might not know?
Brady: They may not know that I lost my dad four years ago, but I don’t let that get me down. I use that to push myself at times.

Q: What is your hobby out side of sports?
Brady: I like to play video games with all my friends.