Wolverines spoil Cowboys’ homecoming in district loss

By Jesus Sanchez | The Brownsville Herald

Porter nearly pulled it off during the final quarter after being only two points behind, but PSJA Memorial fought off the Cowboys’ late-game flurry to secure a 42-26 win Friday night.

“ It was a tough game,” Porter head coach Carlos Uresti said. “I loved the way our kids came back and they fought when we were down a hand full of points. They fought, never gave up, showed a lot of heart and I’m proud of them for that.”

The second half started with a touchdown for the Wolverines after a 2-yard run by Joaquin Sanchez, putting PSJA Memorial up 28-5.

From there, something clicked with the Cowboys as they went on to close the 23-point deficit.

First, after a 69-yard drive, quarterback Kevin Garcia rushed for 10 yards to give the Cowboys their first touchdown of the game.

A big stop from the Cowboys’ Emiliano Salazar at the Wolverines’ 4-yard line during the kick return proved to be enough to force a three-and-out on PSJA Memorial and give Porter the ball on the opponent’s 48. Garcia found the end zone once more of the Cowboys, this time on a 1-yard run, but what followed nearly swung the game to Porter.

Garcia found the end zone once more of the Cowboys, this time on a 1-yard run, but what followed nearly swung the game to Porter.

“ It was a tough-fought game from start to finish,” PSJA Memorial head coach Michael Uribe said. “Credit to Brownsville Porter; they played hard for all four quarters. They came back in the second half and got it within a score. We’re just really proud of our kids that they never gave up, took advantage of some opportunities that presented themselves and we finished off strong.”

During the kick return, the Wolverines fumbled the ball and the Cowboys’ Jose Molina scooped it up on PSJA Memorial’s 9-yard line.

Immediately after, Garcia passed the ball to Benito Loredo to put the Cowboys two points behind the Wolverines.

When it seemed the Cowboys were on their way to take the lead, the Wolverines responded with two successful drives to end Porter’s flurry and give PSJA Memorial its second district and overall win of the season.

The final touchdown for the Wolverines came after an 8-yard pass from Joaquin Sanchez to Michael Muñoz.

Sanchez finished with 183 rushing yards on 22 carries and three touchdowns.

“ Today was exciting,” Sanchez said. “It was a rollercoaster and it was such a good game playing with my brothers and just not giving up. My offense, we showed up and so did our defense. It was a great game overall.”

Also for PSJA Memorial, quarterback Orlando Muñoz rushed for 107 yards on 16 carries and garnered two touchdowns.

For the Cowboys, Garcia tallied 76 rushing yards on 16 carries and scored all three touchdowns for Porter.

Uresti said the Cowboys may have lost, but he is proud they played strong all four quarters.

Football is a game of momentum and for a while there, we had the momentum in the second half,” he said. “We got a little rally there. We had the momentum. Unfortunately, (the Wolverines) came back and the drive like they should. All credit to (PSJA Memorial) and its staff, but I just want to praise my coaches and players because they never gave up and played until the end.”

The Wolverines (2-6, 2-5) will now focus their attention to the Lopez Lobos next week at home.

Uribe said the Wolverines’ win tonight proved the team has a lot of character.

“ We talk about football being a microcosm of life and in this situation, there’s going to be tough times in your life but you don’t quit,” he said. “You keep fighting through the good and the bad. As we were going through that onslaught in the final quarter, we kept fighting, adjusting, pushing our kids and responded.”

Porter (1-8, 0-8) will play host to Donna High nest Saturday at Sams Memorial Stadium.