Hendrick and Quiroz leading the Hawks rushing attack

KEVIN NARRO | Staff Writer

HARLINGEN — The Hawks ground game has taken a step forward in 2018. South has found their guys in junior running back Corban Hendrick and senior Emilio Quiroz.

Through four games this year Hendrick has ran for 289 yards and four scores, while Quiroz has rushed for 305 yards on 47 carries and two scores. The duo have made a nice combo of thunder and lighting through the ground attack.

The Star had a chance to catch up with the Hawks running backs.

Q: When you run the ball what is your mentality?

Emilio: It is to seek and destroy.

Q: Walk us through your game day routine, do you keep it the same?

Emilio: I get ready for the day by getting a good breakfast and staying hydrated. Throughout the day I go over a few touches before the game watching film eat a good meal before the game and get ready to go to work.

Q: What where some things you worked on in the offseason?

Emilio: Getting my body ready for the season. I worked on footwork, strength and stamina. I put in a lot of work that people don’t see.

Q: If you could have dinner with anyone in history who would it be?

Emilio: It would be Oakland Raiders running back Marshawn Lynch. I like his style of running and just getting a chance to talk to one of the best in the NFL. It would be cool to ask for tips and getting to know him would be a life time opportunity.

Q: Tell us something about yourself that the fans might not know?

Emilio: Everything I do is like a challenge. I do a lot of things on my own time to improve myself and to help my team come out on top. I look up to my uncle Leo Araguz who played in the NFL from 1996-2001 and from 2003-2006. He motivates me to be the best player I can be.


Q: You made the switch from slot WR to running back how was the transition?

Corban: Making that transition from slot receiver to running back wasn’t that difficult. As a freshman I played running back and I loved it and now playing it as a junior I feel like that is the position I belong in.

Q: Talk about the 1-2 punch you and Emilio bring to the offense?

Corban: Emilio and I bring something to the table that no other team has. We both have a lot of power and we both have a lot of speed if we need a first down you can count on either Emilio or I to get that first down, touchdown or anything we need to win.

Q: What is the toughest part about playing running back?

Corban: The toughest part of being a running back is the constant pounding. There is not a play on the field where we do not get hit every single time we get the ball and 11 guys on their defense are trying to tackle us. But being able to take that pounding and still go 100 percent is part of playing the position.

Q: What is the most expensive thing you’ve broken?

Corban: The most expensive thing I have broken would have to be a $400 speed flex helmet.

Q: If you could pick a super power what would it be and why?

Corban: If I could pick a super power it would definitely be to be able to fly, because I would be able to travel anywhere in the world without paying for a plane ticket and it would be way faster.