San Benito’s Leann Ramirez lifting her way to the top

KEVIN NARRO | Staff Writer

SAN BENITO—Senior Leann Ramirez shined at her first national power meet. Ramirez participated in the USA Powerlifting Meet last month and won the gold with a total of 1,119 pounds. Ramirez squatted 429.9 pounds, bench pressed 281 pounds and deadlifted 407.8 pounds.

Ramirez’s big moment came when she set a new American record for the teen II category. Ramirez racked up a total 1,119 pounds with the previous record being 1,080 pounds.

The Valley Morning Star had a chance to catch up with Ramirez.

Q: What inspired you to get into powerlifting?

Leann: I have always been strong and involved in many sports ever since I was little. I didn’t find out about powerlifting until I was in middle school and when I did, I knew I wanted to try it out. When my Freshman year came along, and the coach asked if I would be interested in trying out for the team. At first I was a bit skeptical about getting out of my comfort zone so I talked it out with my parents, and just like they always do they supported me in my decision of joining. Every day I step into the weight room I feel whole and happy. It is my piece of heaven that I get to enjoy every single day no matter what obstacles I’m facing.

Q: Tell us about the work that goes on behind the scenes?

Leann: I have been training for four years, each year has been a journey because I have gone through many great coaches and right now my current coach who prepared me for nationals is Joshua Miller from RGV Strength. I train at the gym Monday through Friday. I began training at the RGV Strength in January and my maxes have increased significantly. During the Regional State and National prep we train heavy squats on Monday, heavy bench Tuesday, jumps on Wednesday, and dynamic speed work for bench and squat Thursday and Friday. Many people think the sport of powerlifting is easy but I am here to tell you that this sport requires lots of long hours in the gym, recovery, dedication, and heart. We fail but that makes training even better because we are striving for a new goal, to get that lift and that is what brings out the competitive side in people.

Q: Do you have a strict diet during the season?
Leann: Yes, when I cut weight, I meal prep and each meal has a certain amount of protein carbs and sugars that I need throughout the day. The diet depends on if I am trying to lose gain or maintain my weight.

Q: What is your favorite meal prior your meets?

Leann: Depending what weight class I am in at the time. If I am in the lower weight class I usually don’t have very much room for a meal before the meet, but all this year I have gotten to eat the night before my meets. I would have to say my favorite meal to eat before a meet would be a steak with green beans and white rice.

Q: What are some of the challenges in powerlifting?

Leann: There are many challenges I have faced as a lifter and one of them would be having mental blocks. Sometimes I let my mind get the best of me because powerlifting is a physical and mental sport and you have to be strong in both aspects of it.

Q: Do you have any pre meet routine?

Leann: I don’t usually do anything special just double check that I have all my gear ready and that I am hydrated and well rested.

Q: You recently won 1st place at the USA Powerlifting meet what was the experience like?

Leann: My very 1st national meet was amazing. It was nothing like I expected at all. I was planning on having the best meet of the year, but it turned out to not being the best meet of the year lift wise. The USAPL national meet was very fast which I was not really use to but my coach Josh Miller and I adjusted to the timing and we made the meet ours. I am so glad I was able to get out of my comfort zone and compete in such an awesome event. My very first national meet is definitely one for the books but I really couldn’t have done it without the support of my parents, family, coaches, and friends that cheered me on through nationals and all my years competing.

Q: Talk to us about setting the record for the teen II category?

Leann: I don’t usually ever look at the records because I am not there to set records, I am there to become a stronger individual and compete to the best of my ability. At first I was not aware I had broken any record. After walking out with the gold I received a text from my father telling me how proud of me he was that I had won and broke the American Total Record. And my new record was 507.5 kg. I felt so proud because I never imagined being a national champion much less breaking the America Total Record.

Q: If you could play another sport what would it be?

Leann: If I could try put another sport I would try weight lifting. Yes, there is a difference, Weightlifting consists of different style Olympic lifts while powerlifting consists of squat bench and deadlift. I plan on trying it out in my college years because it has always been a dream of mine to be and Olympian since I was a little girl.

Q: What is your favorite hobby outside of powerlifting?

Leann: My favorite hobby outside of powerlifting would be going out to the beach with my friends and family or hanging out at the gym with the RGV Strength Crew.

Q: Who is your favorite athlete?

Leann: My Favorite athletes would be my parents. When they were in high school both of my parents were involved in sports and they have shown me what it is like to have heart in everything I do. They have taught me that not everything in life will come easy but I should never give up no matter what obstacle I face. Another one of my Favorite athletes would be Blaine Sumner also known as “The Vanilla Gorilla”

Q: Tell us something about yourself we probably do not know?

Leann:I am ranked top 10 in my class and have been a 3-year varsity cheerleader and former Head Cheer captain my junior year. I also have been 4x UCA All-American Cheerleader. I stayed very involved with my community during high School. I have been Selected as a New Team USA Powerlifting Member and will be competing in South Africa at Worlds in September.

Q: What kind of music gets you pumped up for lifting?

Leann: I I can get pumped up to lift with any time of music and even without music. But my favorite song when I’m trying to hit a new max in the gym would be Bad Company by Five Finger Death Punch.