San Benito senior Deztiny Hernandez taking in her final season

KEVIN NARRO | Valley Morning Star

SAN BENITO — The Lady Hounds have been playing some solid softball over the past few weeks and one of their four seniors, starting left fielder Deztiny Hernandez, has provided the team with a solid glove and consistency at the top of the order.

With the regular season quickly winding down and the postseason nearing, Hernandez is taking it all in this season.

The Valley Morning Star had a chance to catch up with Hernandez on Thursday.

Q: You’ve had a strong season so far. Talk about how much fun you’re having?
A: Out of the four years I’ve played for San Benito, this is beyond my favorite year. I love my teammates and all the crazy moments we have had. We make the most out of every day and I cherish all the time I spend with them.

Q: What were some things you worked on to improve your game?
A: I’ve worked hard at staying disciplined at the plate. I get anxious to hit sometimes and realized I needed to calm down and wait for a pitch I like.

Q: Has it hit you yet that this is your senior year?
A: No, it really hasn’t. I’m having too much fun to even notice that the end of our regular season is coming. We just need to continue playing for each other and give our full effort on the field.

Q: Do you have any pre-game superstitions?
A: It’s unreal how many superstitions I have. From putting my left sock on first, to eating only turkey slices and two oranges, to touching the San Benito softball in our dugout when we enter and exit, the list of superstitions is pretty lengthy.

Q: Tell us something the fans probably don’t know about you?
A: My goal in life is to become an astronaut and travel into space.

Q: On Twitter, who is your coolest follower?
A: My parents are the coolest people following me on Twitter.

Q: What’s the most expensive thing you broke?
A: The most expensive thing I’ve broke is my iPhone 5C.

Q: What are you currently binge watching?
A: I’m currently binge watching “The Office.” I love how the people on the show remind me so much of my family members.

Q: Who is your favorite NCAA softball team?
A: Baylor.

Q: What is your favorite drink?
A: Water.

Q: What is your favorite breakfast taco?
A: Potato and egg.

Q: If you could have one super power what would it be?
A: If I could pick any superpower it would be to have ultimate healing.