Lady Hawks goalkeeper Adia Hurtado enjoying her senior season

FREDDY GONZALEZ | Valley Morning Star

Harlingen South’s Adia Hurtado may not get the most attention on the team, but the senior captain holds one of the most important positions on the field as a goalkeeper.

When the previous starting keeper went down with a season-ending injury at the beginning of the season, Hurtado’s past experience at the position made her a natural to take over the reigns.

Now, 14 district games later, Hurtado’s is ready to begin postseason action.

Q: You recently converted to goalkeeper. What’s the transition been like?
ADIA: I felt a lot of pressure coming into this season, but I’ve had experience playing goalkeeper with previous club teams. After some time, I was able to get my rhythm back.

Q: What’s the team’s mentality heading into this today’s game against PSJA Memorial?
ADIA: It’s always a challenge going into a game not knowing what to expect. However, we’ve been preparing ourselves and we’re ready.

Q: What has been the most exciting moment of your soccer career?
ADIA: My senior year has been the most exciting moment of my soccer career because I was given the opportunity to play where I’m most comfortable. It was also exciting knowing that my coaches trusted me to help lead the team.

Q: What’s the best advice you would give to the future athletes?
ADIA: The best advice I would give to the future athletes is to work hard and push yourself without limits.

Q: If you could meet anybody who would it be?
ADIA: Hope Solo, the goalkeeper for the U.S. Women’s National Soccer Team. She has been my inspiration throughout my soccer career.

Q: What super hero movie is your favorite?
ADIA: Wonder Woman is my favorite super hero movie because she makes me feel empowered.

Q: If you could have one super power which would it be and why?
ADIA: The power of healing that way there’d be less sickness and death in the world. Having this power could’ve helped allow my teammates to continue playing after their injuries.