Sesler leading Cards with presence inside

KEVIN NARRO | Valley Morning Star

HARLINGEN—The Cardinals began district play with a thrilling 68-66 win against Weslaco High on Friday. The Cards are brimming confidence, and one key piece has been their senior center Matthew Sesler. The 6 foot 5 center has provided a presence inside the paint. Sesler leads the team in total rebounds with 132, while averaging 10 points per game and is second on the team in blocked shots with nine. The Valley Morning Star had a chance to catch up with Sesler.

Q: With district play starting up, what are some things we can look forward to in this district?

A: This district is a really competitive one, so hopefully there will be some good games.

Q: The team is off to a great start, what has it been like so far being a part of this year’s group?

A: This has been a great group of guys to be around, not only on the court but off.

Q: This is your senior season, has it clicked that this is your final season as a Cardinal?

A:It has clicked, my dad told me that in the future when I look back at it that I won’t remember the games that have been played, I’ll remember the experiences I had spent with my teammates.

Q: Do you have any plans after high school?

A: I intend to go to school to study engineering and play baseball.

Q: Tell us something about yourself that we might not know?

A: I actually don’t watch a lot of the NBA, I really like to watch more of college games.

Q: Who is your favorite center in the NBA and why?

A: He isn’t playing anymore but Kareem Abdul-Jabbar because he had that very smooth looking hook shot that he could hit from anywhere on the court.

Q: Over the off-season, what were some things you worked on to improve your game?

A: I worked on getting in better shape because I knew that this year I would have to go longer than I did last year.

Q: If you could have one super power what would It be and why?

A: If I could have any super power I would probably want to be able to teleport to different places so it wouldn’t waste a lot of time to travel.

Q: What is the best part on playing the center position?

A: It’s hard to be a center because you’re facing guys your size and bumping and fighting for rebounds and shots, but that’s what makes it fun.

Q: If you could have dinner with anyone in history who would it be and why?

A: It would have to be my two grandpas because I would really like to see them again, we can talk about sports and I know that they would be very proud of the person that I have grown into.