Lady Hawks rule the roost, beat Lady Cardinals

JOSEPH TELLO | Staff Writer

HARLINGEN — There’s no better way to kick off the district loop than with a win over your crosstown rival.

The Harlingen South Lady Hawks did just that on Tuesday as they defeated the Harlingen Lady Cardinals on rival territory 55-49 to notch their first 32-6A win of the season.

With packed stands, the fans were eager to cheer for their respective teams and they sure brought the intensity. In a tightly contested first quarter, the Lady Cardinals held on to a three-point lead at 12-9 that didn’t last for long.

The Lady Hawks exploded in the second quarter with 21 points that helped them gain 30-27 halftime lead.

“We picked up the pressure with our press, which led to us scoring some easier baskets,” said Lady Hawks head coach Kelly Garrett.

The second half erupted with chants from both groups of fans. Back and forth, the fans tried to outdo each other with shouts of, “Lets Go Hawks” and “Lets Go Cardinals.”

Every time the Lady Cardinals seemed like they were on their way with a comeback, the Lady Hawks answered with a few bucket of their own.

The Lady Hawks were able to push their lead up by five at 41-36 at the end of the third thanks to a technical foul called on Lady Cards head coach Ashley Moncivaiz.

With momentum on their side, the Lady Hawks were able to hold on for the win thanks to the efforts of Karla Reyes, Sienna Sierra and Laura Ramirez.

Reyes lead the team with 15 points and two steals, while Sierra chipped in 10 along with three steals. Ramirez had the sticky fingers of the group, coming away with five steals and putting up seven points as well.

“I can’t explain how I feel,” said Sierra “I’m a senior this year and I’m so happy we were able to finally beat the Cardinals.

Garrett echoed Sierra’s joy.

“I told the team that all the tournaments and games beforehand really led up to this and it’s a great start for us to win this one,” she said.