Chargers’ Villarreal has a change of heart, will head to Houston

By ANDREW CRUM, Staff Writer

Fred Villarreal was excited about being drafted by the Tamp Bay Rays. Maybe too excited.

After The Brownsville Herald went to print Saturday, Villarreal had a change of heart and decided to honor his commitment to the University of Houston baseball team instead of becoming a professional right away.

“I was just confused to be honest,” Villarreal said. “I don’t know what’s right and what’s wrong, but it got me (thinking) long term.”

Calling it a very hard day, Villarreal was unsure what to do.

After his initial decision to go pro, the former Brownsville Veteran Memorial starting pitcher reached out to Chargers coach Eric Gonzalez, Houston Banditos coach Ray De Leon, and University of Houston coach Todd Whitting to seek their advice.

It’s understandable to think how difficult that decision would have been to make given the time period, especially one that was life altering.

Those talks must have helped put his mind at ease because Villarreal decided to change his plan and head to college instead.

“At the end of the day it’s an 18-year old making a life decision,” Villarreal said. “I just want to (go to college and) get my business degree.”

Villarreal’s new life path also spurred a new plan of action. He wants to help De Leon bring the Banditos and Select Baseball to the Valley.

He’s seen and competed against the talent in the area and wants it to be recognized outside the region and on a grander scale in order “to show people that the Valley is overlooked and we need to (showcase that talent),” Villarreal said.

Andrew Crum covers sports for The Brownsville Herald. You can reach him at (956) 982-6629 or via email [email protected]. On Twitter he’s @andrewmcrum.