San Perlita basketball still successful with Garza’s new up-tempo style


Staff Writer

SAN PERLITA — Head coach Nate Garza could not have asked for a better start to his first district season with the Trojans since coming over from rival program LaVilla.

San Perlita is 4-1 in District 32-2A play (14-12 overall) and is rolling in their new up-tempo offense.

Like most stories of success, Garza and the Trojans experienced some road bumps.

“It was a huge transition for the kids, having to learn my coaching philosophy,” Garza said. “We had some ups and downs, but the past three or four games, the kids have started to understand how to play together and what I’m asking of them.”

For the players, the change brought thoughts of uncertainty.

“With a new coach, you have someone new to impress,” said senior guard Robert Cavazos. “Spots are always open and as a senior you’re not guaranteed to start; you have to show what you’re made of.”

Playing in this new offensive system was also a tough hill to climb, since it is a complete 180 from what the returning players were accustomed to before.

This year’s team is a run-and-gun team working out of the fast break. Under former coach Ray Garza, the Trojans relied on a more methodical approach.

“We’re running more now and before we would take advantage of matchups on every possession,” Cavazos said. “Now we try to get as many possessions as possible.”

While things were tough mentally, workouts tested the players physically.

“It’s been a change having to learn how to workout, build our endurance and work hard during practice at the same time,” said senior post DeAndre Gomez. “

After a 42-23 loss to Santa Maria in their district opener, however, the Trojans felt a kick and finally turned a corner.

“We took a tough loss after playing Santa Maria. After that we played La Villa and it all started coming together,” said senior center Daniel Suarez, who averages 18 points and 14 rebounds a game this season. “The win gave us a feeling that we could do more than we originally thought.

“Now, we trust each other more when we run the floor and try to get open looks.”

The Trojans beat Garza’s former team LaVilla, sparking their four-game winning streak.

It’s the kind of success the San Perlita community has been accustomed to watching, as the Trojans have a rich tradition of recent postseason success.

Garza hopes he can take the Trojans to the next level.

“In San Perlita, basketball is a tradition of winning, success and getting to the playoffs,” Garza said. “The previous coaches did a great job and had some good playoff runs.

“ I’m trying to take this program to new heights— we just have to take this one game at a time.”

Garza’s players feel that goal is attainable.

“As long as we keep progressing and improving, there is no ceiling as to what we can accomplish,” Gomez said. “We have to continue to work hard and stay focused during practice and on game days.”