Despite injuries, E-E secures return trip to playoffs


EDCOUCH — The setting around Edcouch-Elsa this season has been more representative of a hospital wing than that of a healthy volleyball team. But with a win over Brownsville Lopez on Saturday, the Yellowjackets forged ahead, nonetheless, to clinched the No. 2 in District 32-5A.

“It’s been a unique season,” Edcouch-Elsa coach Ofelia Griffith said. “No excuses. There are games we should have won — injury or no injury. Those are just obstacle we have to overcome.”

The Yellowjackets have had eight players injured. One of the biggest occurred almost a year ago. Middle blocker Alejandra Martinez, now a senior, suffered a major shoulder injury in January. There was doubt as to whether the team captain would be able to play this year. While she has fought through, she continues to endure plenty of pain.

Martinez remains a key component to the team’s success this year, totaling 127 total blocks, more than any of her teammates.

“She does a great job up at the net,” Griffith said. “During the game, she shuts down the hitter and slows downs the ball.”The nagging pain has limited her time on the court.”

“Right now, I have to take it easy,” Martinez said. “I’ve been having a lot of shoulder pains. I’ve had to sit out a lot, but I hope that once the playoffs come, I’ll be ready to hit the ball and I won’t have any pain.”

Junior Jackie Alvarado had a pulled hamstring string in tournament season. She is just now returning. Senior setter Jackie de los Santos is still recovering from two major knee operations. The past two years she has had all the ligaments in the knee repaired. After every practice or match, her knees require icing and treatment. Sophomore Neida Ybarra and freshman Megan Acevedo both suffered season-ending injuries. Sophomore Paloma Ybarra has been dealing with chin splints. Junior Ashley Galarza had a back strain that took her out for an extended period of time. Senior Alinah Rodriguez also had a back problem.

There is optimism, however. The team is finally starting to get healthy, and it couldn’t be coming at a better time. The last couple games have allowed the Yellowjackets to finally play with the squad they envisioned at the beginning of the season.

“We have finally got to the point where we are settling in to a roster and a rotation,” Griffith said. “We are beginning to pick up speed and our momentum is going in a good direction. They have all hung in there and stuck through it.”

“At the beginning it was really rough,” junior Maddie Acevedo added. “Now that our team is finally complete, we are doing much better.”


After being diagnosed with Stage 2 Hodgkin’s Lymphoma on Aug. 19, 2015, Sieanna Ortiz, vowed to fight to make it back onto the court. Through rigorous treatments, she was able to overcome the disease and is now cancer-free. She was cleared to return earlier this year and has been playing for the Lady Yellowjackets.

“I was so excited,” Ortiz said. “As soon as I got my release, I came back and started right away.”

Volleyball has helped her regain the normalcy of her life before the diagnosis.

“Sports help me a lot,” Ortiz said. “I remember what I went through, but with sports it’s not a constant reminder anymore.”

Her teammates were glad to have her back on the team.

“She has been an inspiration to her teammates,” Griffith said. “She has proved to them that anything can happen.”

“We were really happy when we found out that she would be back,” Martinez added. “Now we make her feel like she never missed out.”


Edcouch-Elsa hosts Brownsville Porter at 7 tonight. It is the final match of the regular season. As the No. 2 seed in 32-5A, the Yellowjackets will face the No. 3 seed in District 31-5A, which will be determined based on the results of tonight’s matches.

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