Jocy Amaya’s tough play has Rio Grande City hoping for a district title


RIO GRANDE CITY — “We’re just here to have fun.”

It’s a quote so often repeated it has become an innocuous cliche. But that doesn’t stop Gustavo Valenciana from hating it just the same.

“If that’s your attitude, how much harder are you going to work?” the Rio Grande City coach said.

Hearing such an indifferent statement is bad enough for a coach looking to inspire his team, but it’s even worse when his best player says it, as Jocy Amaya did during practice a season ago.

It was that devil-may-care sentiment that defined Amaya and the Lady Rattlers last year. The team ho-hummed its way to a 17-16 record, beating teams they should have while losing on the nights they were scheduled to.

“We would just go out there like it was no big deal,” Amaya, a sophomore post, said. “But this year, we feel like we can go far.”

And just how far the Lady Rattlers go hinges in large part on Amaya, who discovered her competitive side during a rigorous offseason. Over the summer, she played in more than 70 tournament games and put in copious time at the gym.

But aside from that, Amaya discovered her mean streak. The simple joy of playing for fun wasn’t enough. When she stepped on the court, she was there to win.

“As the summer was going along, she would get upset if the team lost,” Valenciana said. “… I was glad to see that happening. She was beginning to understand what we’re here for. Now, if things aren’t going our way or we’re behind, she starts to pick it up.”

But it was more than summer league that helped Amaya play with an edge. She also participated in a camp near Dallas that exposed her to the level of play outside the Valley.

“Up there, everyone is faster, stronger and plays with more intensity,” Amaya said.

The seeds of Amaya’s growth were planted during a 47-29 loss to Sharyland High at the end of the season. The game eliminated RGC from the postseason and left an impression on the then-freshman.

“We had it. It was right there, and then we let it go,” Amaya said. “This year, I know we’re going to make it to the playoffs. There’s more pressure on us now.”

And Amaya has responded to that pressure, spurring on one of the Valley’s early-season surprise teams. Amaya leads the Lady Rattlers in scoring, averaging 20.7 points in 18 games while shooting 52 percent. She also grabs 11.4 rebounds, gets 2.1 blocks and 2.4 steals.

“She’s running the court extremely well,” Valenciana said. “A lot of her baskets have been when she’s running down the court and the guards find her when she’s cutting to the basket. There’s been other times where she posts up. Who are we kidding? The offense is geared to get her the ball.”

Due in large part to Amaya’s efficient numbers and the play of guard Adrianna Cruz, the Lady Rattlers are routinely beating opponents with ease. Heading into Friday’s District 31-5A matchup against Sharyland Pioneer, the team boasts a 14-6 record and has won 11 games by 20 or more points.

“This is our year to shine,” Cruz said. “We’ve been better as a team, we’ve been working hard and we’ve been winning more games. People are talking about us now. We’re very excited. We have talent and we’re putting in the work.”

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