History, tradition key to building great defenses at Harlingen

By MARK MOLINA | Staff Writer

HARLINGEN —Defense is the Harlingen Cardinals calling card every season.

Last season it helped weather a storm of injuries all the way to a district title and it will once again be their strong point with seven returning starters.

How has head coach Manny Gomez’s crew been so consistent when it comes to building defensive players?

One word: tradition.

“The thing is that every year these kids are just excited. We have a great group of kids and they see the program from start to finish,” Gomez said. “Every year we have nine or 10 new guys, but it’s because they’re staying with it every year until they’re seniors and then it’s their turn.

“I tell them that we’re story tellers. Some are horror, fiction and others are comedians, but just make sure to write a great book. It all starts Friday.”

So far, the Cardinals defense has looked like the team’s cornerstone.

In their scrimmage against Sharyland, the Cards looked comfortable and well-rounded as they forced three turnovers, won the battle in the trenches consistently and allowed just 10 points.

“They’re ahead of the game right now. We had a great conditioning camp and great two-a-day practices,” Gomez said. “The guys are embracing the moment. They see the bird is on their helmet now and they know that it’s their time to go out and fly; that’s the mentality we’ve always had here.

“These guys only have one chance at high school sports, so let’s make it the best.”

With the emotions and traditions motivating the minds of the Cardinals defensemen, the goal is not to reinvent the wheel, but to be physical with their opponents.

They want their “story” to be a simple one full of hard hitting and forcing turnovers.

“We’re feeling violent this year. We’re working on getting that ball out and getting that offense some work,” said defensive tackle Travis Barnes. “The last time this team was absolutely dominant was that 2011 team. We want to be known as our own 2015 team and go even further than they did and be better. I can go home tonight and sleep on everything because that’s how confident I am in my team as a whole.”

While the 2015 edition doesn’t possess size like in previous years, senior linebacker Charlie Moreno believes that heart will pave the way this season.

“We’ve gotten smaller than in previous years, but we have that heart and we’re able to take down those who are bigger than us and play harder than they do,” Moreno said. “We have a lot of speed too. We just want to go out there and not let our opponents score.”

Now, the Cards will see where they stand after a week extra of waiting when they face San Antonio Reagan Friday night at Boggus.

“We have had time to build chemistry and this first game is going to help us become an even tougher team,” Moreno said.