Ambitious Torres flourishing at PSJA Memorial


For the past couple of years, PSJA Memorial coach Rudy John Lopez Sr. has known Violet Torres to heed instructions without resistance. Whether there’s an increase in pace or an extension to her practice time, Torres typically responds with a level of enthusiasm unmatched by her peers.

That is until Lopez decides to dial back her workload.

“If that happens,” he says, “she’ll question it. Like, ‘Why? Why aren’t we practicing?’

“Where you have other athletes that are happy not to have to practice, she usually isn’t happy when that happens.”

Lopez understands one of his biggest challenges this season is making sure he doesn’t overwork Torres, a sophomore who has shown plenty of potential in limited time. Last year, she finished eighth at the District 31-6A meet, before advancing to the Region IV-6A meet. There, she came in 29th, and ninth among freshmen, falling short of state.

This season, Torres has won the PSJA ISD Invitational and has also finished 10th in the elite portion of the Meet of Champions. It’s a combination of speed and endurance, Lopez said, that has propelled Torres to become the anchor of the cross country team.

By the same token, he fights temptation to increase her workload to accelerate her growth.

“With her ability,” Lopez said, “you could easily overwork an athlete like that. It’d be very easy to squeeze every bit of juice out of that lemon. But instead of saying that she has two more years left (of high school eligibility), we want to look beyond that.”

At her rate, Torres could very well give her team its best shot of having its first state qualifier since 2012, when Gabriela Ortegon placed 25th. (Ortegon has since moved on to run for Texas State.)

Last year, Torres ignited the Lady Wolverines in district, finishing third. At regionals, they placed 11th out of 24 teams.

“I’ve gotten the experience,” Torres said, “and now I know I have to work even harder.”

That exposure should go a long way for the sophomore, who recently recorded a personal record at the Meet of Champions. Competing in the 5k, Torres (19:55.5) broke the 20-minute barrier for the first time, prompting her to ask for stiffer competition.

So when the Lady Wolverines travel to Round Rock for the McNeil Cross Country Invitational on Saturday, the girls team will be competing in the gold division. PSJA Memorial had an opportunity to go down and face less competition in the 6A event, but Torres insisted otherwise, telling her coach, “I want to see where I’m at compared to the rest.”

“I want to improve everyday,” Torres added. “I actually want to go somewhere with my running.”

That exposure has largely fueled the second-year runner, who also juggles basketball and track and field. She values hard work and dedication above everything else, while consistently striving to do more.

“I’m progressing,” she said, “but I’m still not satisfied.”

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