Raymondville boys golf team confident heading to regional tourney


Staff Writer

RAYMONDVILLE — After capturing their second consecutive district crown, the Raymondville Bearkat boys golf team is headed back to regionals in Corpus Christi next week.

However, if you look at the scores, the road back to the Region IV-4A for first-year head golf coach Steve Cantu and the Bearkats seemed to be an easy one.

The Bearkats had three top-five finishers, including individual District 32-4A champion sophomore James Alfaro, who shot a 71.

Finishing third was sophomore Jonathan Cardona with an 81

Placing fifth was senior and, Coach Steven Cantu’s nephew, Frank Thomas Cantu, who shot an 89.

While nothing is ever easy, Coach Cantu will be the first to admit that inheriting good players with even better character was a big help after taking over for his brother and long time golf coach Frank Cantu, who now serves as the Raymondville Athletic Director.

“It’s testament to their work ethic. The guys come out, practice motivate and push each other to do better. Sometimes they have to be run off the golf course,” he said. “They get along well and they have done it all their lives. It’s always good to come into a program that has already been established and has the culture of hard work in and out of the classroom.”

Rounding out the five-man regionals team are seniors Daniel Villegas and Miguel Tristan.

Now, the goal for Coach Steven Cantu is to see his seniors go out in style and it starts with advancing past regionals.

“It would be great for the kids to send the seniors off the right way,” coach Cantu said. “What better way to go out than with a trip to the big show.”


Sophomore James Alfaro has only been on the golf team two seasons and has already compiled a pair of district titles and was the singles champion at this year’s tournament.

This week’s district performance was what the Raymondville sophomore had worked for up to now.

As a result, he’s more confident in himself and teammates as they prepare for regionals.

“It meant a lot to see my practice pay off this year. However, I really expected to do well since I’ve improved on every part of my game,” Alfaro said. “My putting, chipping, everything has been better. I expect to do well in Corpus as an individual and as a team I know we’ll be alright. Jonathan (Cardona) can hit the ball far and Frank (Cantu) is great with an 8-iron, so I see everyone doing well.”

Coach Cantu and teammates believe this could be Alfaro’s year to take “the nest step.”


Aside from his fifth place finish at the District 32-4A meet, senior Frank Thomas Cantu provides a sense of leadership and experience to a team with young talent.

He’s been on three district title teams since joining as a freshman, but thinks his senior team is one of the best he’s been on.

“I’ve seen that this group is one of the most committed and they all share a natural passion for this sport,” Cantu said. “We spend out here, scrimmage the coaches and play games with each other. We’re an honest team who plays an honest game. “

Cantu spent time talking highly of teammates during his interview, but it’s just the kind of person he is, explains coach Steve Cantu.

“He’ll be missed. He keeps the young guys focused and the young guys look up to him, his leadership and his work ethic,” said coach Cantu. “He’s a great to be around on and off the golf course.”

Region IV-4A tournament is set for Monday and Tuesday at Lozano Golf Course in Corpus Christi.