PSJA Southwest’s Brittany Vielma signs with Northern Arizona


PHARR — A dream that began with emotion ended in similar fashion as PSJA Southwest’s Brittany Vielma signed with Northern Arizona University on Wednesday at the Southwest library.

The senior shot put and discus thrower was visibly emotional as she thanked friends, family members and coaches – all of whom surrounded her and watched as she signed her letter of intent.

“Honestly, from the very beginning, I did not think in a million years I would ever be doing this,” Vielma said. “So, when the opportunity came up, and the visits came up and I got to visit (Flagstaff, Ariz.), everything just clicked. It ended up being very surreal.”

As tears of happiness flowed, Vielma’s throwing coach Eloy Garza told of an off-season workout during last summer which became the catalyst for Vielma’s success.

“We were in the weight room squatting, and Brittany was having a hard time lifting,” Garza said. “That’s when she started tearing up. She started tearing up, but would not stop lifting, not until I told her to stop. When I told her to stop, she racked up the weight, fell to the ground out of pure pain. That’s when I new I had a champion.”

Vielma says she recalls that fateful workout “vividly.”

“It was one of my breaking moments,” she said. “It just hit me. I’m the type that I don’t want to show tears or weakness, but I just kept going. I can remember everything… It was one of those a-ha moments.”

Since then, Vielma has become one of the more notable throwers in Texas. Her season-best attempt in the shot 42-00, ranks third among all valley-girl throwers and is third in the state among 5A girls. She took home gold medals in the girls shot put and discus throw at the District 32-5A track and field championships earlier this month at Donna High School and will compete in both events during Friday’s area meet at Alamo Stadium in San Antonio.

“I’m aiming for (44 feet) at regionals,” Vielma said. “I want to break the school record and set it even higher. When I was younger, I remember plateauing a lot. I would reach 25 or 30 feet in my throws and I would just stay there. But I kept working at it and getting better to where I am today. Whenever I get nervous, I tell myself that I’ve overcome obstacles before. I can do it again.

Northern Arizona is a part of the Big Sky Conference.

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