McAllen Rowe-McAllen Memorial match postponed


Tuesday’s District 30-6A volleyball match between McAllen Rowe and McAllen Memorial was postponed after Memorial coach Lorena Lopez was notified that a player was ill with a contagious upper respiratory ailment, according to a McAllen ISD news release.

The match has been rescheduled for 6:30 Wednesday at McAllen Memorial.

Because Lopez was notified of the illness less than two hours before the match, it was temporarily postponed by McAllen ISD so that it could assess the situation.

The ailment is called Corona NL63 virus. Similar to a cold or a flu, it is common and contagious. It can lead to severe conditions and, in very rare cases, it can be fatal.

With a doctor’s recommendation and out of an abundance of caution, the school district postponed the game

According to the news release, the player was hospitalized and is expected to be released today.

The doctor said parents should simply monitor their students and take the normal precautions that one uses to avoid the flu or a cold. He suggested that if anyone shows flu-like symptoms, they should go to their doctor.

As an added precaution, staff has also elected to disinfect game equipment, the dressing area, and the classrooms.